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Third person pov:

Kamariah knocked on the door in front of her. 6 times just as usual. "WHO IS ITTTT" a voice shouted from what sounded like upstairs. "ITS KAMA. I'M HERE TO PICK UP RAINA"

The door swung open and mr Warrens stood at the door with a small boy on his back and what looked like a sauce stain all over his clothes. "Oh hi kamariah! i didn't know you were coming today, why didn't you use the spare keys we gave you?" he asked "i maybe lost them in my room." she said while looking down at her feet

She walked into the house and went up to her girlfriends room where there was a lot of noise coming from. it sounded like a serious struggle was going on. if not for the fact kama was used to this she would have thought raina was being brutally murdered.

once again she knocked 6 times, it was basically her thing. "kendrick stop she's here" a muffled voice ensued from behind the door "awww raina's little girlfriend is here" "STOP". There was a clatter on the floor, like 15 seconds of silence then the door opened. And there was raina in a white shirt and yellow dungarees with what looked like a bun that was probably done by her brother, kendrick. 

"Hey kams" raina smiled tiredly at kamariah, she looked so fed up with everything at the moment. "HEY KAMA" kendrick called from the room. kama had a 'best friends that hate each other' type of relationship with raina's brother. They had known eachother since kindergarten. he was 2 years older than her and had helped her when she didn't have any friends. he was the reason she and raina had even met.

"Dude stop being annoying." raina pushed him out of the way. "hey there. can i get your number pretty lady?" he said as he winked really badly. kamariah and raina facepalmed. "I don't like men." kamariah deadpanned then grabbed raina's hand and they went downstairs.

Raina's pov: 

I ran down the stairs with kama. "Hold on i just need to find my glasses" i said "i thought your brothers melted them in the oven?" "no those were my earrings not my glasses" "oh"

downstairs was a mess as usual. if not for the fact she was used to my big family i would have been embarrassed to bring her here. i looked under toys and behind dumbbells trying to find them. i decided id just ask my brothers. even though it would make us late i was practically blind without them.

"where do you think they are?" i asked. There was a loud crash from the kitchen and the sound of my mom yelling. "im guessing the kitchen." She grabbed my hand and headed for the kitchen. As we entered i could see what was probably spaghetti sauce all over the floor and in my brothers hair with my mom desperately trying to wipe it up with a wet wipe. 

"OH! thank goodness you guys are here. i need a little help. I was making dinner but john and chris were playing football in the house so i called kendrick to take them out but he was busy and i couldn't do it myself because i was carrying jack and your father was carrying thomas so-" 

"MOM! Calm down. we'll help you clean up. but first, have you seen my glasses?" i asked calmly so she wouldn't panic about those either. "well uhm. jack kind of put them in the sauce..."

oh my days.



Even from the outskirts of the government offices you could hear the shouts and chants of protestors, repeating poorly thought of rhymes and what raina almost assumed was a ritual phrase. The pair bought some mask since it would be really crowded and marched into the center of the 'riot'.

on a small makeshift platform a tall dark skinned woman with a megaphone giving a speech. obviously throwing shade at the government officials right behind her. "SOME OF US HAVE HAD THIS TOWN AS A HOME SINCE BEFORE OUR GRANDPARENTS WERE ALIVE" she said. "WE HAVE WORKED HARD TO BUILD IT LIKE THIS, AND GET USED TO ITS CONDITIONS. BUT YET THESE HALF-WITTED MORONS CHOOSE TO MILK US OF OUR HARD WORK! THE WAY THEY MILK OUR ELDERLY FOR MONEY?" 

The crowd cheered with everything the woman said. she had a very strong nigerian accent. if not for being part nigerian kamariah was certain she wouldn't have understood anything.

the crowd (including Raina) booed loudly when the police tried getting the dark skinned woman to shut up

You would think that the crowd would quiet down once the police started handcuffing the woman. but they once again cheered her on when she proudly showcased her middle finger to the cops face

Kamariah pov:

i watched as they escorted the woman to a concrete room and an elderly man with grey hair walked onto the podium. his presence was definitely strong. and he moved with a stiff posture like a stick was up his ass or something. his smile was unsettling to say the least and i could feel Raina shrink away beside me.

He had one of those mics that attach to your ears and settle in front of your lips. He stared down everyone that tried to give him dirty looks, although some bold children decided to stick out their tongues.

"citizens of Plulohs. My name is Davis Robertson. i'm here on behalf of the head of research and scientific safety" He said with a rough voice. "when we decide to work for the govermnt we dedicate our lives, time and effort into protecting the citizens of this city. some of us have had to leave our families behind just to make you guys home a safer place." the place went silent.

"I don't think we can express how shocked we were when we discovered the very same citizens we spend our time protecting spreading rumours of us. And it breaks my heart to know that the very people we love so much don't trust us. the culprits that were spreading these horrible rumours have been detained and are being questioned at current, we sincerely apologize for any confusion these deliquits may have cause for you. but to make it up for it we have decided to host an... event"

I looked around to see at least half the crowd practically with stars in their eyes. but something was off. something didn't sit right with me. something was wrong.

AN: Hiiiiii! i haven't written in a really really REALLY long time. lowkey forgot this book existed lmao. i hope you guys like this chapterr- Adss👹

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