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An: ive been home for like a day now so i thought it'll be a good time to update

Amara's pov:

I don't think i could count how long i stayed near that tree documenting my findings. now that i think of it. i can't count how many findings i've made!

First of all i've never seen a tree like this before. the thing was HUGE. i'm surprised i couldn't see it from a mile away, but that was probably because i was writing on the way here. Its bark was a brownish green on the bottom and a sage at the top, it was almost ombre. the leaves were different shapes. from leaves like a palm tree to leaves like an Oxphidious willow. the were dark blue and seemed to be luminous from the faint glow they gave off under the moonlight.

Secondly the creatures that seem to come from the tree. i'd never seen them in my life. and ive seen alot of weird stuff. I brought my measuring tape from my backpack. careful not to let them get on my face, incase i looked like a potential victim. "Roughlyyyyyy 1.5 inches long. wow"

I didn't have anyway to describe its appearance other than terrifying, appalling... you get the gist.

I spent a little longer studying them, their diets and to see if they had any more properties i should be concerned about.

"This is... exausting. what time is it?" i checked my phone. " two fif- TWO FIFTY SIX AM?! IVE BEEN OUT HERE FOR 1234... 7 HOURS. Moms gonna kill me."

I may be 20 but im not risking getting one of her 'special punishments'

I quickly packed some of the... creatures? anyways. i put them in a testube and made sure it was tightly closed THEN i put it in a ziplock. I still dont know how fast theese things can reeproduce and i dont want an infestation.

I checked my phone screen

'8 MISSED CALLS FROM "momm🤍" '


Kamariahs pov:

*2nd november 2021*

"Today's the day! wait. Today's the day. Okay today are the Days. First of all today is Raina's birthday, and not just any birthday. Her FIFTEENTH. And you only turn Fifteen once." I was on a full on rant to my 11 year old sisters. "Dont you turn every age once-" "Shut it Amma." "Okay"

"But at the same time. Today is the protest. And i dont know if i should be in a good mood the whole day or a bad mood. Like is it insensitive to be happy about her birthday when shes being made to evacuate town. or is it just plain wrong to be upset about moving away when shes turning FIFTEEN?" i asked

"Maybe you should worry about calling her to wish her happy birthday first" Asha said

"WAIT YOUR'E RIGHT" I ran up the stairs to my room an dived to get my phone.

Rain cloud🌬💕

kams🐉: Hey rainaaaaa

kams🐉: Can i call or are you still busy with your parents?

Raina Warens: Uhhh call in maybe 3 more minutes?

kams🐉: Okay! Happy fifteenth! I love you

Back to Kamariah pov:

"She said shes still doing her birthday traditions with her parents" I said . i greeted the twins goodnight and went to my room waiting for her to say i could call.

I started to look through my wardrobe for something to wear. We had agreed on Yellow.

"What to wear in case this backfires and I have to run..."

I picked out a black long sleeve shirt some running shoes and a yellow pair of wide leg jeans. I waited on my bed for Raina's message.

AN: this chapter is definitely not as long as the first one but I'm literally writing this on my phone (that's on 10%) on the way back to school. Will update later. Adss👹

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