Trial, no error.

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Quick an: Hiii. Sorry for not updating in like 3 weeks. I'm just about finishing my school tests. (doing the final one tomorrow wish me luck </3) I hope this chapter makes sense because I'm running on like 5 hours of sleep but like here we go.

Third person pov:

The halls were busy with foreign officials roaming the wide white walls of the room. Since most local officials deemed 'untrustable' had also been put to sleep, Davis had called in for the help of some of the acquaintance cities. Heart monitors and x-ray machines buzzed all over the room, barely noticeable to those who had been in the room for a while but would possibly drive an ordinary person a bit mad. rows and rows of hospital beds were lined against the walls. Filled with children, adults, elderly and teenagers. even the new-borns who were once held by their mothers were now laying  unconscious in baby cots, with the only form of comfort being the oxygen masks attached to their small faces.

If you payed attention. And listened over the sound of beeping and whirring. You would be able to hear the sound of many footsteps rushing in out out of a specific room. This room held their test subject. with a large bed and stretcher in the middle of the 4 white walls, a bucket that was already half filled with vomit and a defibrillator that didn't looked like it had been used... yet.

Workers walked into and out of the door, many taking notice with no pity at the label on the door. 'TESTSUB001 MS. Amara Ayolabi'. Most of her colleagues didn't care much for her. the ones that did had been 'dealt with'... and were to be used at the next test subjects if Amaras situation became fatal. The woman had already had 2 seizures from the modified parasite and her brainwaves were going off the charts. Most scientist were horrified and shocked that Amara had not passed away from the experiments yet but they were given strict rules to not stop until the parasite was stable enough or the test subject went brain dead .

Davis now sat in his office, aggravated by how long this how discovery was taking. science cant be rushed but they would have to rush it for this one occasion. Almost as if the gods had heard his thoughts, the intercom in his office beeped. indicating that someone needed him in the test room as soon as possible. He rushed down to the room, hoping that his subject had not gone offline as he would say. 

Walking in he immediately met the gaze of the head scientist of this test, Gabrielle Chelic, She had a look on her face that he couldn't tell was worried or exited. "MR ROBERTSON THANK GOODNESS. I think we've come to a good conclusion that will successfully wipe certain memories from whoever the recipient is."

"Look at this. we've noticed that mixing it with the genes of smarter selective animals just makes it run wild and damage the cells it comes with contact with and most technology is too bulky to work with their body size. BUT this is where our discovery comes in. it appears that the tree where miss Ayolabi found these creature plays a vital part in the role of this. Once we extracted a small amount of sap from the tree and altered THAT DNA we were able to ultimately rearrange the genetic memory of the bark. As we saw in all our original research these trees grow quite fast from any small trace of DNA. so if were able to grow enough of the altered tree sap we should be able to create our own genetically modified version of the lachrymal Annelida   . Or as you insist on calling them, tear ducts."

A wide smile crossed Davis' face as he took in the rapid spewing coming out of miss Gabi's mouth. "immediately ask them to open up a quarantined ward for the growth of these creatures. Request some sort of screen to see if we can manipulate their behaviour somehow"

Everything was going just as planned and based off what Gabrielle said, they should have over 4000 altered parasites ready for the towns people by the middle of the weekend. Davis immediately called some people to transport the altered tree bark and sap to the quarantined lab for growth. He even let some of the interns from the neighbouring towns help with the transport. he was in a good mood. perhaps he would even pay for miss Ayolabi's hospital bills after this was all over...

Just perhaps.

An: okay guys I'm done with this chapter!!! its not that long but I tried to make it more descriptive to make up for it sooooo. opinions? going on mid-term this Thursday so hopefully ill be able to update?! Byeeee

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