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TW: mentioning of injury

When Karl woke up that morning, he was held by gentle arms wrapped around him.
He felt ridiculously safe.

He slowly turned around in Nicks arms, burying his face in his chest.
He was so warm and Karl thrived with all the physical touch he felt.

His chest felt light, as his heart beat a bit faster then usual and everything felt fuzzy and tingly.
Karl wished that he could wake up like this every morning.

Suddenly he felt how Nick raised his hand, to place it on the back of Karl head, running his fingers through messy curls lazily.

They knew the other was awake, but there was no need to talk.
In comfortable silence, they laid there, cuddled up between pillows and blankets enjoying each others company.

Karl wasn't even surprised about them being so close already, he knew they had clicked that night, when they were texting for hours over hours.

He pressed himself closer against Nick, feeling the grip around his body tighten too.
Karl suddenly felt his heart beat faster.
Their legs were tangled up too at this point and everything Karl could feel was Nick.

Physically as well as mentally.
The presence alone made him feel protected, something he hadn't felt in a while.

He felt like nothing in the world, no catastrophe, no pain, nothing could ever hurt him, as long as he was here, tangled up with Nick.

He looked up at him, reached to boop his nose.
Nick scrunched his nose in surprise, before he looked down at Karl.
He smiled softly.

"Morning.", he mumbled his morning voice rough and deep.
Karl looked at him with big eyes.
"Morning.", Karl replied, booping his nose again, giggling softly, when Nick smiled at him.

Nick looked at him, as if he was an entire universe, but this universe was blind for admiration.
For him Karl was one of those people, that you could look at for hours on end and you'd still find all those little details, that made him even prettier, even more special, even more perfectly imperfect.

The way Karl laughed was mesmerising to him.
How his entire face lit up, his eyes closing involuntarily, everything just fitted so perfectly.

He reached for Karls cheek, ran a thumb over it.
"You're really pretty."

Karls face started burning, his smile becoming impossible to hide.
"Thank you.", he mumbled, looking away flustered.

Suddenly it knocked on the door.
Karl sighed, turned around to look at the door.
"Come in!"

It was Aimsey, she looked surprised finding her brother cuddling with a random dude.
"Is that football guy?"
Nick started laughing and Karl nodded.
"Yes, this is Nick."

"Okay, morning Nick."
"Anyway mum asked if you wanna come down for breakfast, but I see you're busy."
She closed the door, laughing.

Karls heat was practically on fire now.
"So that's your sister, huh?"
"Yes. Yes, that was Aimsey."

The two got up, even though staying in bed sounded way better, but they couldn't miss breakfast.

So they went downstairs and greeted everyone.
"Nick come over here.", Karls dad said with a smile and Nick sat down next to him.
"Why was the tiny ghost asked to join the team?"

Nick thought about it.
"I have no idea, tell me."
"Cause they needed a little team spirit."

Nick and Karls dad started laughing.
"That was a good one, I have one for you too. Where do football players go, to get a new uniform?"

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