A Cash Offer

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Briars POV
Its October. I think I'm gonna end things with Ace. She's been drifting away lately. Besides, she thinks I'm blind, but I can tell that Zap has a crush on her. Ace called me to her dorm today.

"Hey" I walked in. "Hey Fate" she said. "So why did you invite me over?" I asked. She took a deep breath. "We need to talk" she said. Isn't that the classic line? I sat down on her couch and she sat next to me. "I think we should break up" she said. "Looks like you beat me to it" I said. "You wanted to break up with me?" She asked. "I just don't think that we're meant for each other. Id say that you're meant for Zap. Not me" I said. She blushed. "You caught on to that?" She asked. I giggled and nodded. "Did I catch on after you stood up to her entire species for her? Yeah I did." I laughed. "So you're ok?" She asked. I nodded. "Its mutual Ace. We'll still be friends" I smiled. She smiled back. "I'm still calling you Fate" she said. "I can live with that" I said.

Cash's POV
Back in August
Briar just kissed me. I ran back to my dorm. I ran inside and slammed the door shut. Why would she do that? I hate it but it felt so good. "Damn. I didn't think she'd kiss you" I heard. I looked over to see the woman in gold. "Shut up" I spat. "Hey, look at it this way. Now you'll remember that feeling for the longest time. You'll want her so badly that it'll kill you" she smirked. "You're not helping" I huffed. "I know. But I'm not the reason you broke up so don't yell at me. If you wanna yell at someone, yell at him" she said, and disappeared in a puff of black smoke. I knew exactly what she was talking about. I need a plan.

I took a five hour trip just to get here. I knocked. She answered. "Oh, hey Cash" my sister greeted. "Crystal, I need your help" I said. "With what?" She asked. "Do you remember when dad ripped you off?" I asked. "Way to rub it in" she huffed. "I have an idea. If you help me take down dad, then you can run his business and I wont bother you again" I said. She smirked at the idea. "Do we have a deal?" I asked, holding out my hand. She reached out and took it. "Deal" she said.

Crystal and I marched into dads office. "What are you two doing here?" He asked. "Here's what's gonna happen-" I slammed my hand on his desk. "You're gonna give up the company to Crystal and let me off your hook of lies" I ordered. He laughed. "And why would I do that?" He asked. Crystal threw down a file. "Remember all those years of law school you forced me into? Well it worked. I have legal records of all your scams. If the court saw this it wouldn't be too good for your brand" Crystal smirked. "You're blackmailing me?" He asked. "Essentially yes. Unless you want me to bring this to the police" Crystal said. "You drive a hard bargain" he huffed. Crystal opened the file. "You took out a very large loan of money to buy a sports car. That money was supposed to go to the many businesses you owns" Crystal read the first bullet point. Dads eyes widened. "Shit! Ok, ok. Fine" he said. "Good" I said. "You should expect to be hearing from my lawyer" he said. "Oh dad. Did you really think we'd blackmail you? We're not criminals. Ill be seeing your lawyer, but not for suing. You're going to jail" I smiled. The police came in. "Bye dad! Fuck you!" I yelled as they removed him. I high fived Crystal. "Enjoy your company" I said. "Enjoy your life off the hook" she said. I smiled and walked out.

Briars POV
Its been a few days since Ace and I broke up. "Hey. Did you hear what happened?" Jack asked. "What?" I asked. "Cash got her dad arrested for scamming people" she said. "Are you serious? Whos taking over the company?" I asked. "Cash's sister" she said. "Wow" I said. I didn't know about that. I saw Zap and ran over to her.

"Hey Zap. Have you asked Ace out yet?" I asked. "No" she said. She looked over at Ace. Ace waved and she waved back. "You're such a pussy" I said. "Oh, I'm the pussy? Go look in a mirror" she said. "What! Why am I the pussy?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow and looked behind me. I turned around to see Cash. "Cash? You're insane. I don't like Cash" I lied. "Your denial just proves my point" she said. I rolled my eyes. Ace flew to us. "Hey Fate. Hey Zap" she said. "Hi" I said. "So I have to talk to you" Ace pulled me aside. "Are you really that blind? Cash loves you" she said. "I'm not getting back with Cash" I said. "Is it because of what happened in the parking lot?" She asked. "What?" I asked. "I know. I saw it. You kissed her" she said. I looked back at Cash and then at Ace. "I'm not doing it. Not yet. I cant" I walked away.

Aces POV
I watched her walk away. I walked back over to Zap. "What was that about?" She asked. "Don't worry about it. Do you wanna go out later?" I asked. She got red. "Are you asking me out?" She asked. "Are you accepting?" I asked. She nodded. "Then yes" I smiled. I thought about what Briar said and I do like Zap, so I'm gonna try this.

Marcy's POV
"Do you think they'll end up back together?" I asked. "Yep" Jack said. "Yeah" Abby said. "Definitely" Ace agreed. "I hope so. I'm her emotional support glitch. I'm getting tired of listening to her bullshit" Zap sighed. We laughed. We all know it'll happen. Cash and Briar are the perfect couple. They belong together. Even if they don't know it.

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