The Battle

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Briars POV
I'm in the middle of class. There was a loud bang outside. It echoed throughout the school and shook the ground. I think the whole state heard it. "Everyone evacuate campus and stay in your dorms" someone said. We all ran out. I found Cash. "What's happening?" I asked. "Whatever this evil is, its finally attacked. Lets go!" She said. I followed her.

We're here, in the middle of the city. My jaw dropped. I saw the woman in the black super suit. "Hey Briar. Didn't expect this. Did you?" She asked. This was way more than I anticipated. Several war ships. Army's of robots, people and demons. There were people from other worlds.  Along with the arrows and every other villain to ever exist. "Briar. What do we do?" Cash asked. "We do what we can" I said. We all flew towards the battle. This is a terrible idea.

Narrators POV
Briar and her friends were in for it now. Every villain her family had ever faced was here. 
Zill, The arrows, Zex, Earth 32, Earth 26, Earth 7, Salt and Pepper, Sash and King, Hades and his demon army, Virus and Techna along with her Dinotrons, and even the arrows dads.

Cash swung her sword at Zex. "You chose the wrong person to fight little girl" he said. He blasted at her with his magic and she dodged his hits. She didn't get so lucky at this blast though. It hit her sword and sent her flying backwards.

Zap was flying as fast as she could to escape the Dinotrons. They swung their tails and bit at her but she dodged them. Of course Virus wasnt far behind her and shot her down. She was injured but luckily not infected.

Jack and Marcy distracted the arrows for as long as possible before getting hit by the Dinotrons. Ace lost a deal with a demon and quite literally hit the pavement. Metal Mage soared past the 32's and got hit by one of Weather Vanes lightning bolts.

All while Briar watched. She faced Zill. "What is all this?" Briar yelled. "Your family" Zill smiled. Zill blasted Briar into the ground.

Briars POV
I sat on my knees watching my city crumble. My friends slowly got back on their feet. "Say bye Briar" the woman in black said. She went to blast me again, but was hit by a burst of blue power. My head shot up. Two more blasts hit her. Ellie landed next to me and helped me up. "What are you doing here?!" I asked, shocked. "Well maybe if you'd answer your phone you'd know. We've been getting these messages that tell us to talk to you, but you never answered so we finally decided to come see what's wrong. I guess we came at a good time" she said. "Whos we?" I asked. She pointed behind her. I turned around to see my entire family. I smiled. My siblings came to me. "You really thought you could do this by yourself?" Ryder asked. "Who said I was alone?" I asked. As I said that Metal Mage flew past and started attacking again. Ace and the rest got up and started fighting. "Why are we standing here? Lets go!" Parry said. Now it was a fair fight.

"Hey Briar" I heard. I turned. "Pitch!" I smiled. Pitch is Chandlers daughter. She didn't get powers and is only a mutant. She's the one that's in the mafia. She's only a year younger than me. "Nice to see you again" she said while punching a demon in the face. "Yeah, you too" I said while punching a soldier. I looked up. Two Dinotrons are playing tug of war with metal mages wings. "Pitch!" I yelled. She looked over. I pointed at Metal Mage. She nodded and started jumping. Pitch climbed the leg of a Dinotron and hopped across them until she was close enough. She shot the Dinotron in the eye and they both let go. Pitch caught Metal on the way down. "Are you ok Metal?" I asked. "Yeah" she blushed at Pitch. "See ya" Pitch said. "Who is that?" Metal asked. "You can fantasize with my cousin later. Right now we have a battle to win" I said. She nodded and started slashing things with her swords.

Cash's POV
I was cornered by demons. "Shit" I said. My sword was on the ground behind them. All the demons dropped to the floor. I was shocked to see two other demons had shot them. "Here" one of them handed me my sword. "Thanks" I said. They took off. Briars family is whack. I guess this is what I signed up for. I got hit by something. Its green. I feel sick. I looked up to see a green mutant guy. I fell to the ground. Why me? The green guy got shot by a blue spark. A guy ran to me. He shoved a bottle in my mouth and forced me to drink the liquid. I did. I quickly didn't feel sick anymore. "Thanks" I said as he helped me up. "No problem. Especially for my sister in law" he winked and flew off. That's Briars brother? Damn.

Briars POV
"Mom! I don't know how we can stop this" I said. "Stop it? How did you start it?" Izzy asked, stunned. "I didn't! It just showed up a little after I moved here" I said. "Did they say anything to you?" Harvey asked. "They said that they wanted me to believe in those stupid story's you told me as a kid" I said. "Briar, they aren't story's! All these villains were real. They all once lived and some of them still live behind bars. They weren't fake story's! They were our family history. You have to believe that or this will never stop" Izzy said. There's no way. All of this happened to my family? I thought my family was boring. I didn't think they did anything exciting but this, this is down right terrifying. How did they do this? How could I have doubted them? I landed on the ground. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I believe you now! Just stop it. Please!" I exclaimed. I dropped to my knees. In a whoosh of black smoke, it all disappeared and turned into that one black figure that started this. It stared at me with its big white eyes. Then it did something weird. It took form of me. "You really believe?" She asked. I looked up at her and nodded. She smiled and looked behind me. "Don't doubt them again" she said, and disappeared. The black smoke went straight into my heart. I fell back with a gasp. "What did it do!?" Cash shrieked. Parry gasped. "Its a wisp" she realized. "What?" I asked. "It makes you believe in the things that are true. Its what made that guy talk about global warming" she said. "And it thought that the best way to do that was to do this?" I asked pissed off. "It worked didn't it" she asked. 

I looked back at the Fates. They were smirking at me. "You bitches. You did this!" I growled. "We created the wisp. We didn't do anything else" Amy said. Amy is the cutter. "You suck" I huffed as I got up. Cash hugged me. "I'm glad you're ok" she said. "I'm glad you're ok too" I said. "This may have been partially our fault" Harvey said. "Why?" I asked. "We made you feel like you had to follow our family tradition. But you've made it clear that our family doesn't have to stay in Florida and that expanding our family outside of our friends isn't a bad idea" Izzy said. I turned to look at my friends and smiled. "So. I can stay here?" I asked. They nodded. "Thank you moms" I hugged them. "We're proud of you Briar." Harvey said. "Hell yeah! Baby's first war!" Izzy hugged me. "Ugh- mom!" I groaned. "Yeah, but this time you have to call or I'm calling you Woody forever!" Ellie threatened. "No! Don't call me that" I said. Cash laughed. "Only I get that privilege" she said. "Oh shut up Cash" I said. "Oh so she does have a name" Ellie said. "You better bring her to Florida for a holiday because we need to meet her properly" Ryder said. "Will do. Ill come down for 4th of July. Happy?" I asked. They nodded. "Bye Briar" my family said. "Bye, and thank you" I smiled. My friends and I went home.

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