Chapter 1

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Ekrill, a young human of about 18 years old sat down on a small, wooden chair. He pushed his messy dark brown hair from his face, ha had just finished herding the sheep herd he owned, thankfully it helps to own a creature that is a cross between a horse and an eagle. A brown featery head nuged him playfully. "Settle down Dusk, I'm exausted" Said Ekrill, pushing away the creature by the beak. The Hippogriff shook its wings and laid down on the floor.

A couple of minutes later, Ekrill got up and walked out of the small house calmly, not waking up Dusk, who fell asleep.  He took the hidden long sword from the pile of hay. He held it at eye height, inspecting it for any slight damage, he then swung it at a makeshift dummy made of bags of flour and hay.  Ekrill's father showed him sword thechniques before he died, about four years ago. He dosen't remember his mother at all, for she died when he was two years old, both presumely murdered by knights of the Acerbus kingdom, living at the borders of the kingdome he lived in, Lontor. Ekrill swung his sword faster and stronger as he thought of the death of his parents, he had been orphaned for four years and the only thing keeping him alive are his sheep and the Hippogriff he rescued. He found Dusk in a forest fire, he would have burned to death if he was left there, Ekrill cured his wounds and the Hippogriff never left him ever since.

Ekrill paused, he looked to his right and saw Dusk looking at him. Seing he was noticed, Dusk raised his head towards the sun. "You're right boy, it is time to go trade the sheep wool."  Ekrill secured the bags of wool on his hippogriff, then jumped on its back, just behind Dusk's wings. "you know the way" Said Ekrill, petting the head of the creature.

Dusk landed near the trading kiosks, most of the people where used to seing a hippogriff land each day, but the newer citizen and the visitors where always stunned at seing the bird-horse cross. Ekrill jumped off, detached the bags of wool and walked towards a fruit kiosk. He dropped one of the bags on the couter and looked at the elderly lady in the eyes. "how many aples can i get?" He asked.  The lady looked at the wool, then took out of bag of about ten aples. "Thanks" Said Ekrill, taking the bag and going to a meat kiosk.  He dropped the wool and took a raw chiken.

Ekrill stroked the wing feathers of Dusk. "Hey Dusk, I got you some raw chiken, you favorite!" He handed over the chiken to Dusk, who imediatly took it and ate it. "Fly back home now" Said Ekrill with a smile, setlling behind the wings.

Later, after they got at their house, Ekrill sat on the chair and took out an apple from the bag while Dusk licked the remaining of the raw chiken taste off his beak. He then looked sudenly at the door. Ekrill noticed the strange behavior. "What is it Dusk?" He started, but was cut off by a series of fast knocks on the door. Ekrill stood up, suprised, he never had visitors. He opened the door the find a young boy with blonde hair acompanied by a sandy yellow mare with a white mane. "You need to help me, THEY are trying to fin me" Said the boy, visibly scared.

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