"The shortest route would be going strait south, then east, but the safest would be to go east from here, towards the Larkaa mountains." Natrium was perched on top of a fallen tree, her tail holding on a branch. "Yes, very nice, we should be taking the quickest route. I would like to get to Undaterra before another curse is set." Said Ekrill, strugling to cut a way trough the tick pine forest. Natrium nodded. "I didn't want to go trough the mountains anyways."
It wasen't until half an hour after until they finded a clearing. "We should rest here, i can't feel my arm after cutting trough these woods." Said Ekrill. Natrium paused. "You may rest, but not here..." "what? why?" Asked Ryker. As they all fell silent, multiple horses and their riders could be heard a short way from the clearing. "No big deal, they aren't nightmare nor are they Dark Knights." Snapped Ekrill at the Drakly. "False Singer Dragons never lie!" Hissed Natrium before hidding behind a tree.
"Yes i tell you, a small group of Clairienfies attacked them!" Said a voice. "What do you supose we do about it?" Asked another one. "Lure them into sunlight?" "No you idiot, they are smarter than most of us, we should burn down the forest!" "I thougt Akaly wanted food rich grounds? Not a wasteland!" "The forest grows again, and the ashes can be used for alot of stuff in Acerbus." "Right, how do we start a fire big enough?" "We can wake up the..." The voice was cut off as Dusk grunted.
"When the Nano dragons yell their high-pitch note, run for the Whisp Lake, south of here, ill meet you there" Whispers Natrium before turning around and running the oposite direction, causing noise on purpose. "Look! A Drakly! Shoot it before it gets to the rangers' base camp!" Yelled one of the knight, who began chassing Natrium, followed by the other knight. At that moment, the loud, high-pitched song rang to the trees. "That's the sigh, come on Ryker" Said Ekrill.
As they jumped on their horse and hippogriff, noises of bows firing where heard, but it was impossible to tell if they where shot by or at Natrium, probably both. "What could start o fire big enough to burn a forest?" Asked Ekrill. Ryker thought for a second. "A large herd of nano dragons, flaming catapults or a large dragon... um, Ekrill? Are there any large dragon speicies that breathe fire around here?" "Yes, one, the Emerald Andromeda Dragon, they are large and have a snake like body with four crocodile legs, only young ones have been seen lately, but there must be a mother dragon close by" Answered Ekrill. Ryker shivered."She must be hibernating then, dragons then to hibernate for decades, some even centuries"
Whisp lake is a large lake with clear water. Winds can't disturb the surface of the water. On the east side of the lake is a small marsh and on the west side is a small, sandy beach. Ryker sat down on the sand. "So... why is the lake called Whisp Lake? Sounds a bit mysterious" He asked. "My mother once told me a story. Long ago, the lake was named Karkais Lake, in honor of the Fresh-Water Dragon Lord, who was a large, orange sea serpent able to create fresh water lakes and rivers. He lived in this very lake and suplied the whole Lontor Kingdom with fresh-water." Started Ekrill. "Dragon lords, they are considered living Gods right?" Asked Ryker. "Yes, indeed. Karkais did this freely of course, he didn't ask for anyting in return, altought if the humans where to offer him gold, he would gladly accept. But some humans where greedy, one night, with the help of some Atlantians, they set out to steal the gold at the bottom of the lake, they where, however, suprised when the lord was expecting them. The dragon reasoned with them and conviced them to leave the lakeshore. The theifs accepted, or so it seemed, a week later, when the Lord was entering hibernation, they set out again, and poisoned the Lord before he could do anyting. What the humans did not foresee was that Dragon Lords do not die witout being unoticed, the god's flesh literaly exploded, killing the Atlantians and the Humans that killed him and at the same time, generating a marsh covering half of the lake. Ever since, any men, Icarian, Drakly or Atlantian wandering the marshes at night might see a fliquering lantern-like light, also called Whisps. Wicked or greedy ones would be led into the heart of the marshes, where they where never seen again, good souls are led out of the marshes. Some believe the Whisps are the spirit of the Dragon Lord. And so the lake was named the Whisp Lake" Finished Ekrill. "I wonder if Karkais's gold still lay at the bottom of the lake?" Wondered Ryker. "If its still there, it should remain there, unless you want to be led to the heart of the marshes"Said Ekrill.
The bushes rustled near them, Ekrill took out his sword, worried that it might be a knight. "Put the sword down, its just me!" Hissed Natrium, coming out of the bushes. She didn't look hurt, if you count out the arrow that was stuck in her elbow. "What hapened to the knights?" Asked Ryker. "I killed them, took me a while though." Answered the Drakly. "Should we stay here for the night?" Asked Ekrill. "Yes" Natrium nodded
this tok me about 2 hours to whrite >.> im gonna try to make the next chappy at least two pages
Moonlight Lands: Fallen echoes
FantasiaIn the Moonlight Lands, a medieval continent, lays the 21 kingdoms, the 13 Icarian ones, the 7 Human ones and the Atlantian one. They has always been a balance between the kingdom and their gods, at least until now. The kingdom of Arcerbus is starti...