3. He Thinks I'm Cute

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i sat there as he cleaned my nose. gripping his arm tighter and tighter as he continued. after he was done he looked at me with a clean face. he wiped the tear that i didn't know was there.

"you can let go of my arm now" he chuckled. i didn't even realized i was still holding it. as i let go i realized how hard i was gripping, it left marks on his arm with a bit of blood that my nails had left.

i looked at him "I'm so sorry i didn't even rea-" i was cut off. his finger was in my mouth! he didn't hesitate to press down as i tried to talk "its fine, now don't apologize I've been threw worse" he said as he slowly took his finger out of my mouth.

as i sucked on my tongue from the sting of him pressing down he was cleaning his arm. i still felt horrible but couldn't understand what he meant be hes been threw worse. i wondered what he meant.

"what do you mean by you've been threw worse? are you ok?" i asked softly as my brother walked in. "don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to" Hunter said as he walked over to me. i did want to know i really did but I've learned to never question my brother.

his friend was chuckling as he finished with his arm. "I've arranged for you to do home school. but i cant do it for you, so you will be staying here for a bit till i can find someone as good as the guy Ben has"

questions went threw my head. Ben has a home school teacher? why he looks old enough to not be in school. he looks at least 25. "alright" i said ignoring all the questions i had

As ben walked over to me, my brother looked at his arm. "Alex did you do that?" he asked looking at Bens arm. before i could answer ben did. "i told him to hold onto my arm while i cleaned his nose. its my fault for not telling him to not use his nails" my brother nodded to Bens words

i was so confused. what was the situation I'm in? what's going on right now i asked myself. i tried to read the situation as my brother stood up and whispered to ben. they were whispering to each other as i saw them both get angry. were they going to fight? i really don't wanna see that.

while they were talking i slipped away and started walking around the huge halls of this place. it wasn't exactly a mansion but it was bigger then a normal house for sure. i heard footsteps come behind me as i turned i saw my brother leaving and his friend walking up to me.

"where's he going?"

"your going to stay with me for a bit, your brother has work to do" he said awfully stern

i nodded and continued walking wherever i was going. i heard him chuckle behind me "do you even know where your going?" he asked grabbing my arm gently. "no but-" i was cut off again his finger was in my mouth on my tongue again. he doesn't know how much it hurts when he adds pressure.

"no need to talk more then needed" he said taking his finger out. but for some reason i liked it. i liked his finger there so i leaned with his finger. i heard him chuckle as he left his finger there. "hmm now what am i going to do with you" he said softly

i was a bit scared on what was going to happen next but i know he wasn't going to hurt me, right?

i opened my mouth slightly letting his finger leave. "we have some stuff to do, go to the car ill meet you there" i heard him say threw my thoughts. as i walked to the car all i could do was think

was he going to hurt me? is he gay? what if he does something..

the thoughts where endless as i heard the drivers door open and close my eyes were fixed on the window. i didn't even realize how rude i was being. he was talking, saying something but my thoughts over powered me.

as he grabbed my shoulder, i was finally wiggled out of my thoughts.

"are you ok?" he asked as he let go. "I'm alright sorry"

"alright, where do you get your clothes? shoes?"

after that question i knew exactly what my brother told him "what don't want me to steal your clothes too?" i asked as a joke

"there is no doubt how cute you would look in my clothes, non the less your brother wants you to have your own clothes" he said chuckling. his little comment of me being cute made me blush to the point i was bright red. no one has ever said that about me.

"you think im cute?"


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