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Lloyd ducked behind the mast and ungracefully landed on his haunches with a slight slip. He stabilised himself and carefully tipped the large pirate hat up until it sat on his forehead. He sacrificed his ability to properly see where he was going in favour of looking cool, even though the black hat slipped over his eyes quite often.

Lloyd raised a hand to his eyebrows to lessen the harsh rays of the January sun. The deck of the bounty was silent. The intruder was nowhere to be seen, but he couldn't hide forever. He would soon be found by Captain Lloyd himself.

Captain Lloyd was the most feared pirate that had ever sailed across the seas of Ninjago. Or, space pirate, as Lloyd had decided, considering that the captain's ship was drifting above the clouds with a soft hum from the engines that kept his her afloat (as well as the fact that he was wearing a Starfarerr t-shirt). He wanted to touch the clouds if only Kai wouldn't stop him, warning him of how dangerous it would be for the blonde boy to hang over the rails.

He held his makeshift sword tightly between his tiny hands. Of course, Jay wouldn't let him play around with a real one. It wasn't fair. Everyone was allowed to have real ones, why couldn't he? Jay told him that he was too young and made the ten-year-old a fake one, morphed together out of hard foam and wood.

Lloyd loved his makeshift sword. No, it wasn't real, but he never knew how much a gift could mean from a friend; an older brother. He seldom received gifts back at school from friends or even from his parents. He never experienced having someone give him or make him anything before he started living with his uncle and a group of young teens. Lloyd wouldn't tell Jay how much the gift meant to him and how it had almost reduced him to tears. The green-eyed boy only rolled his eyes with a pout and muttered a "thanks", being the brat he was. Jay had shaken his head with a smile.

And now, Captain Walker would be slain by his own blade! If only Lloyd knew where the fourteen-year-old was... He huffed in irritation as the hat once again slipped down his forehead. He tipped it up and let his eyes scan the deck for the intruder.

"Arrrrggghh! Captain Lloyd, It seems that I have found you, lass!"

Lloyd whipped his head around to see Captain Walker holding his own foam sword aimed towards him. A dark blue hat sat on his forehead and a sinister, yet playful smile played on his lips. Small patches of acne sat on his cheeks and his smile soon turned into a toothy grin.

Lloyd sprung up and held his blade toward the enemy. He tipped his large hat up once more.

"Prepare to be defeated, Walker!" Lloyd said and rushed forward, ready to reclaim his ship from this blue imposter.

"You need to work on your pirate impression, Lloyd!" The young teen laughed and got into a fighting stance.

"That's Captain Lloyd to you, imposter!" Lloyd yelled and swung his sword diagonally, but it was soon blocked by Walker's blade. He liked to add the sounds that he thought the blades would make if they were made from metal (he assumed the blades the ninja trained with were made of metal, anyway).

Captain Lloyd was hard at the battle. The deck was a battleground as the blades clashed – more like thumped -. Lloyd wiped a line of sweat off his top lip as the battle continued. Lloyd's arms ached from exhaustion, but he wouldn't go down without a fight.

Lloyd tried, again and again, swinging the darn thing wildly, which didn't seem to faze the young ninja in training. After Lloyd let out a frustrated yell, Jay's grin softened and he loosened his attacks and defences until he let Lloyd's foam blade touch his stomach and it slightly bent at the tip.

"He's done it! Captain Lloyd has cleaved me to the brisket!" Jay yelled and fell clumsily to the wooden deck in slow motion, of course. Jay gripped his chest as Lloyd deemed himself victorious with a wide smile.

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