please read!

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Hey, everyone still reading this. It's been a very, very long time since I've updated this fic of mine. Over half a year, actually. I want to apologise for my inconsistent updates over the past two years (yikes. It's been 2 years). 

I've grown up a lot this year. Came out of a pandemic, faced some fears, planned my future more and just grew up a bit. There's been a lot of focus I've put on my personal life and figuring out what I want, instead of spending a lot of my time creating fancontent. A part of me has fallen out of love with creating it. Usually, i could create 2 or even 3 pieces fanart a week. I did it, because I loved it and it brought me much comfort and fun. I took a 7 month break from all that and I'm ready to slowly get back into doing the things i love.

I've changed a lot, but my love for this fic has not, despite my radio silence. What I want for this fic has changed. My writing is repetitive and hard to read sometimes. I couldn't really decide where I was going with it. This is due to going completely off of the plan and not thinking it through properly and how it would effect previous chapters. This is what we call: very shitty planning catching up to me. This is a big mistake I made while writing this, as well as the large amounts of time in-between writng.

I've decided to majorly edit the existing chapters before continuing. I'm going to start re-uploading this starting most likely within two days or so under a new fic. Perhaps a different title, same story 'n all that. I'm very unhappy with the quality and I want to create a better reading experience.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your support these past two years. It's been such an amazing experience sharing this with you all. Your comments and kudos still keep me motivated to finish what I started. I can't believe that people actually took the time out of their days to stare at their screens reading this. (Get some rest instead of burning your eyeballs by scrolling through the ninjago tag, everyone!)

Perhaps it's kind of silly of me to make this decision. Just update the damn fic! I know, I know. The first 3 chapters are painful, because they make me physically cringe.

I'm so sorry for dumping this announcement on you all. I hope you can kind of get where I'm coming from? If not, that's okay too. I'm so much of a perfectionist that I do shit like this on a random Wednesday after months of nothing. This version will stay just as it is. Can keep track of my improvement.

Love you all and once again, thank you for your kindness, patience and support <3

Your Mistakes Are Yours to Keep (BEING REVISED & REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now