i. temporary transfer

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✩⭑° chapter one °⭑✩

temporary transfer

STELLA DREW has been searching for a transfer window out of Counter Terrorism for bordering on three months

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STELLA DREW has been searching for a transfer window out of Counter Terrorism for bordering on three months. When she's not profiling bombers or scanning frankly disturbing internet chatter for anything even remotely plausible (which seems to be everything these days), she's frantically scrolling through available positions that match her expertise. With a Ph.D. in Criminal Psychology and a thesis focusing on how the internet has exacerbated serial killer worship and copycat criminals, experience in both violent crimes and sex crimes previous to her stint in Counter Terrorism and a strange affinity for interrogations — Erin Strauss thinks that she's found a stickler for the rules, someone who abides by protocol to the letter and someone who would happily report back to her on the misdeeds of the BAU.

However, she doesn't go far enough back in Stella's file to read an extended note about her time in the FBI Academy, specifically her stellar grades and outstanding work ethic in SSA David Rossi's classes, of which she took many. And what's not in the file is her close relationship with Agent Morgan and her still-frequent conversations with Agent Rossi.

So, when Strauss gathers the team in the briefing room and announces that they'll be receiving SSA Stella Drew as a temporary transfer on trial from Counter Terrorism, Rossi fights hard to hide his grin when she rolls out her spiel about how Agent Drew is incredibly by-the-book and will not tolerate transgressions and breaks in protocol to go unreported. Derek, however, doesn't bother to hide his grin, especially after Strauss leaves, looking particularly pleased with himself.

"Don't tell me," Emily says, rolling her eyes at Derek. "You think she's hot."

Derek chuckles lightly. "I mean, yeah, but that's not why I'm grinning, Prentiss."

Rossi grins once Strauss is absolutely out of earshot. "Stella is a talented agent, Hotch. She'll fit in brilliantly," he says confidently, only somewhat managing to sooth the nerves of the Unit Chief.

"If she's going to be reporting back to Strauss—" Hotch begins.

"She won't," Derek interrupts reassuringly. "I know her and she won't."

"How do you know her?" Spencer asks, raising his head from his paperwork. This catches the attention of everyone (bar Penelope, who is still tucked away in the bat cave), even JJ, who had barely looked up during Strauss's briefing.

Derek grins and spins in his chair to face the youngest member of the BAU. "We went through the Academy together, I was fresh off the beat and she was fresh from university," he answers. "Then she worked in violent crimes while I worked in the bomb squad— their offices are super close. She's my best friend."

Emily smirks. "Does this mean we get embarrassing Derek Morgan stories?"

"Plenty," Derek nods. "But she knows that I have many embarrassing Stella Drew stories to tell, too."

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