ix. probably armed and definitely dangerous

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probably armed and definitely dangerous | 03x12

They're interviewing Jack further by mid-afternoon

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They're interviewing Jack further by mid-afternoon. Hotch had given Penelope parameters that would help them to narrow down whether or not the people who had Lindsey are part of his past but in order to speed up the process, they needed to know more about the trouble he was in. The team and some of the uniformed officers involved in the case are all crowded in front of the evidence board.

"Who do you work for?" Hotch asks as Jack swallows his meds for the day.

"The McCrelan Corporation from Boston," Jack answers. He'd become much more open after Hotch's reminder of what is at stake.

"I love how you guys sells that," Derek hums. "By 'corporation', you mean the Mob, don't you?"

Manning shrugs, "Nobody's been able to get anything on them."

"Until now," Rossi nods.

"That's because they murdered anyone who was a threat to them, civilians and cops alike," Emily scoffs.

"Is that what you did, Jack?" Hotch asks. "Did you eliminate the threat?" He notices that Jack is playing with the cap of his pill bottle. "Do those pills help the memories, or do they just hide the real Jack?"

"The only thing that keeps me alive is Lindsey," he says simply.

Stella turns herself further towards Jack from where she's perched on a desk next to Emily. "What they did to Katie, do you think that was a message to you?" she asks.

Jack's head shakes slightly. "If it is, it's working."

"Do you recognise the method?" she continues.

Jack's eyes are fixed on a spot near Stella's feet. "I didn't send messages. I just went straight to the source."

"In two weeks' time, the McCrelan brothers will face trial," Manning says.

"Looks like the McCrelans are going to walk," Derek says as Payton's phone rings. The Detective answers quickly.

"Where?" he asks, gaining the attention of all the gathered personnel. "All right, thanks. You were right. We just found something in an abandoned house."

"Lindsey?" Jack asks, his eyes snapping up.

"Where exactly?" Hotch asks as Payton makes his way over to the map. Spencer had mapped each point of interest and Payton points to the edge of one.

"Here," he says. "On the outskirts of town."

Spencer, leaning forward to see where Payton is pointing, nods. "It's still in the comfort zone."

"What does that mean?" Payton asks, exasperated.

"It means that Unsubs are local, still here," Rossi answers.

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