ii. definite sense of ending

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✩⭑° chapter two °⭑✩

definite sense of ending | 03x10

BY THE time their first case rolls around, Stella has settled in well amongst the team

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BY THE time their first case rolls around, Stella has settled in well amongst the team. She'd unpacked a few personal items on her desk, her two favourite plants (which had sparked some playful banter between Derek and her where she'd had to defend her affinity for plants) and a few family photos. Not many, but enough for the rest of the team to pick up that her mother is no longer in the picture. Nobody had asked, but she knew that they wondered.

They're gathered in the conference room by JJ in the early hours of the morning, case files being handed out and nerves bubbling in Stella's chest. She hasn't been out on an actual case yet and she can tell that Hotch will be watching her carefully.

"These are victims six and seven within a two-week span," JJ explains, pointing to the newest set of bodies.

"All killed with a bladed weapon?" Emily inquires.

"Yeah," JJ replies breathily.

"That's odd," Stella points out. "Knives? Sure. Bladed weapons like this are rare. This is most likely some kind of sword. There are much easier ways to kill someone, so this has to have significance."

"The attacks are getting progressively worse," JJ acknowledges.

Reid sits forward slightly, getting a closer look at the files, his glasses on the table in front of him. "The first five were lone victims."

"He's getting bolder," Derek agrees.

"And more vicious," Stella adds, inspecting the wounds on the photos in front of her.

"Tell L.A. we can be there by nine thirty," Hotch says lightly, checking his watch.

They're all dismissed, going to collect their go bags and ensure that they have everything they need. JJ contacts L.A. and provides them with an ETA while Derek goes to update Penelope. Stella is watering her plants lightly out of her water bottle when Hotch approaches.

"Drew, since this is your first case, I don't want you straying too far, okay? Stay close, stay present, and don't get discouraged if you don't get it straight away," he tells her in a low voice.

"Got it, Hotch," she smiles. "Just let me know where you need me."

He gives her a tight smile as she returns to watering her plants properly. He's seen her in action briefly and he doesn't feel the same need to watch over her after her comfortable first few weeks, but he's still wary. Any new member could tip the balance in the field and if she skews the team's perspectives too much, she won't be a good fit.

Once she's done, she and Emily make their way towards the cars, the latter reassuring Stella that Hotch's personality definitely eases up once she proves herself in the field. Stella just shrugs off his coldness once again, surprising Emily, who'd taken weeks herself to understand Hotch's hardass approach to everything. Stella is just focusing on taking everything in stride: the new types of pictures in front of her, the scenes she's going to be seeing, the unique dynamics within the team, and definitely her new boss's high standards.

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