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The brothers spent the rest of the time they had left to bond and reminisce their happy moments.
Some were spent with their loved ones, and the others with themselves. Until finally, the sky's sunset colors faded into a deep velvet of blue and violets.. The sisters have left Sani with everything she needed, comfort and safety. She was provided with her own room, with a personal bathroom. For dinner, Jungkook tidily prepared Budae-jjigae: Spicy stew with ham, sausage, Spam, baked beans, kimchi, instant noodles, and gochujang sauce.

It emitted a warm and inviting scent... Of course, the sisters did not leave without tasting Jungkook's masterpiece. So as a result, they dined together while joyfully conversing about various subjects.

And once they were done, Jungkook respectfully assisted the Choi sisters to their car. Sani gave them each a hug and a genuine smile.

"I'll see you sisters tomorrow, okay? Please?" She begs; her arms wrapped around Niky's back.

"Of course Sani, that's the first thing we'll do tomorrow.." Niky nodded, "Take good care of yourself okay?"

"Yes..." As they shy away from the hug "You too!"

"Bye Sani!!"

"Bye guys drive home safely!"

Jungkook's POV~

As we watched the Choi sisters leave the neighborhood, I joined Sani in waving goodbye. I, however, stretched my hand higher as I needed to signal Taehyung and Yoongi.
They told me to alert them as soon as the sisters left in order to avoid sudden interactions..

Yoongi didn't want misunderstandings, and Taehyung didn't want Sofi to worry for him. Though it was already expected that their car would easily be recognized by someone, which is why Sofi's questions didn't surprise me anymore.

She clung to my shoulder, startled by my brothers unexpectedly approaching.

"I knew it was your car!"

"Parking it behind those fucking trees was Taehyung's stupid idea"
Yoongi rudely ambled up the stairs, ignoring our presence as he went straight inside.

"Sani I'm glad you're here with us" Taehyung grins
"We need to protect you at all costs tonight.."

"Really?... Why?"

"I think... I think we should discuss this inside," he says as he asks for Sani's hand, gently assisting her as we all enter the mansion.

We followed Yoongi as he headed straight to couches in the living room. Thankfully, I was able to hide all frames and albums with Namjoon's presence on it. I think looking at the place itself didn't do much for Sani's memory. So far, she's still the innocent lady she is.

"Okay," We settled ourselves on close separate parts of the couch as we began explaining our real motive for bringing her here "Sani.. My brothers and I intentionally led you here to protect you for the night. You see, there are people who are threatening us at the moment... It's better if you don't ask why, but we need you to know that they are threatening you as well. If you went home with the Choi sisters, nobody would be strong enough to protect you there."

"Threats?" She softly asks "Do you mean people want to hurt us?"

It elicited a regretful nod from Taehyung
"I'm afraid they wish to do more than just hurt us... Right now, our lives are in danger which is why we have to be extra careful and stay alert."

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