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"Sometimes the things you want the most don't happen and what you least expect happens. I don't know – you meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet one person and your life is changed forever."

- Love and Other Drugs


From a young age, adults have drilled the notion into children's heads that it does not matter whether or not you fail or succeed. In the end, all that matters is that you tried your best. They make you think that, so long as you do that, you'll be okay.

What no one thought to mention, what no one bothered to warn children about, is that there are moments when it doesn't count for anything. Trying your hardest does not always work. And, for Narcissa Malfoy, this was one of those moments. She had tried so hard not to resort to this, had tried everything she could think of. But everywhere she had looked there was nothing but dead ends and cold looks, and hence why Natalie Hopkins was sitting across from her. Because there was no other choice.

Only that did not make what she was saying any less expected.  

"Just so we're on the same page here," Narcissa started slowly, her clear blue eyes watching the woman across from her coffee table, "in order for my son, Draco, to marry your daughter, Ophelia, he must...?"

"He must fit the required expectations," Natalie finished for her, nodding, as she reached for her tea and took a slip. "We are the most well-known, respected, wealthy, pure-blooded family throughout Europe, Narcissa. There is not a single witch or wizard in our society who has not heard of my family's name. Did you really believe we've become so successful through our wealth?" She did not pause for an answer. "No, the majority of today's society is made up of magical creatures, half-bloods, Muggle-borns and Squibs alike. If we were not kind towards them, we would only have half, not even that, of our publics' respect."

Narcissa clung to her every word. "Showing courtesy to everyone you meet is how you've worked your way to the top?" she asked as she mulled the words over, absentmindedly stirring her tea.

Natalie was the only person Narcissa had ever met who could stare a person down, yet, by some striking talent, still managed to look polite about it. "Yes," she said shortly. "Therefore, you must see why I'm hesitant to allow Draco to marry my daughter. With all due respect, your family hasn't exactly..." She paused to think over her next words. "Well, it's no longer on high standards since the war, is it?"

"No," Narcissa answered quickly, having anticipated that this particular subject would come up, "but that is why if we combined our families –"

"You're hoping that'll bring you on good terms again with the media and such?" she guessed, her gaze stern and calculating.

"Of course."

Natalie raised an eyebrow, crossed her legs, and leant forward – perfectly neat, wavy blonde hair not moving an inch out of place as she did. "But what will that do for my family?"

Narcissa said nothing, because, in all honest, at this point all she cared about was her family.

Natalie leaned back a little on the plush sofa, a sort of resigned look about her now. "See? I cannot afford for my family's reputation to be put in jeopardy. That is why, if you truly want Draco married to Ophelia so badly, he must have all seven values my family is so famously known for; patience, bravery, respect, kindness, tolerance, loyalty and chivalry."

Narcissa fought down the irritation threatening to seep into her tone. "But Draco is all of those things and more."

"Some of them, maybe. Certainly not all," she said flatly. "I know for a fact that your family does not care for Muggle-borns, Squibs, or any magical creature – especially house elves. I know Draco isn't what one would call the most respectful towards women, or anyone else with different views for that matter. I know –"

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