29. Christmas Spirit

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“What defines us is how well we rise after falling.”

- Maid in Manhattan


Hermione was going to snap. She was certain of it. There was no way she could continue on listening to –

“…you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”

– these bloody Christmas carols! All day they’d been playing magically throughout the whole building, and now to have damn Jodie and Darrell (workers who Hermione would occasionally strike up small talk with during breaks) singing them right in her ear, in the bloody elevator where there was no escape… 

“…OHH, bring us a figgy pudding, oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer!”

Needless to say, it was the longest elevator ride Hermione had ever experienced. Over Jodie and Darrell’s heads, was a pained looking Draco at the opposite side. He caught her eye and made a strangling gesture towards the closer of the two, which happened to be Jodie.

Shifting the large box she was currently holding to get a better view of him, Hermione’s lips twitched in an almost smile, but then cringed as their voices rose higher and higher.

Carols were just an inevitable part of Christmas Hermione never enjoyed, not even when she was seven and had had to sing them for a school play. And what she hated even more was the way they somehow got stuck in your head for hours afterwards.

She snuck a side-ways glance over to Draco again, seeing him staring straight ahead in forced determination. But that wasn’t the Draco she knew… he should be saying something to them! Some snide comment was surely on the tip of his tongue… any moment now; he would crack and tell them off… any second… right about… now! Okay, no… right about… now… nowww… okay, now!


Gritting her teeth as the impossibly long elevator ride continued, Hermione made the decision that if he wasn’t going to do anything about it, she would.

She looked at an oblivious Darrell, singing merrily.

“…we won't go until we get some, we won't go until we get some, so bring some out here!”

Hermione was good at wandless magic, and so she imagined the effect of her spell. She imagined the ocean, taps, rain, the clarity of water, how it felt to be saturated…

“…we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas –”

She pictured the running of water, showers, baths, laundry, the toilet…

“– we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy – fuck!”

Draco looked over at Darrel. Jodie stopped singing instantly and turned a startled look to her companion.

“Darrell, what on earth –?” But she stopped abruptly and gaped when she caught sight of where his hands were; now covering up his wet crotch, which was very noticeable on the white pants he was wearing.

Who in their right mind would wear white pants, anyway? Hermione pondered. 

Guessing from the look of horror on Jodie’s face, she hadn’t seen that his pants were wet quite yet.

“What the heck do you think you’re doing?” she gasped as though it was the most indecent thing she had ever seen. “This isn’t your eighteenth, you can’t do that in here!”

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