53. Two Hours of Escape

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“We mistake sex for romance. Guys are taught that pushing a girl up against a wall is romance. Sex is easy; you can do it with anyone, yourself, with batteries. Romance is when someone you like walks into a room and they take your breath away. Romance is when two people are dancing and they fit together perfectly. Romance is when two people are walking next to each other and all of a sudden they find themselves holding hands, and they don’t know how that happened.”

- John C. Moffi 


The Sixth Month Ball was, once again, nothing short of spectacular. Huge bouquets of flowers sat centred in the middle of tables; the long refreshment table had perfect food, cakes with several layers, fruit that was so shiny they could have passed as fake; the floor was so polished you could see yourself reflected there; the ceiling was high and adorned with gold ribbons; an orchestra playing softy in the background; and balls of yellow light, almost like the multicoloured ones at New years, only much smaller. They looked close to fireflies, Draco thought, or maybe even fairies, with the way they bobbed so elegantly through the crowd. 

His eyes were focused on one of the yellow balls, floating nonchalantly past him, when Blaise spoke.

“They’re late.” he said, already munching on a biscuit, looking at the large golden door. 

“What did you expect? They’re women.” It was not the words but the way in which Draco said it, so harshly, that had Blaise’s attention snapping back to his friend.

“What’s up with you?” he asked.

“Nothing,” Draco answered, taking care to keep his tone calm this time.

After a few minutes of observation, Blaise let out a quiet, “Ah. I see. You’re nervous.”

“Of course I’m bloody nervous!” he blurted out angrily, feeling like the statement was an insult. “I mean, wouldn’t you be? I’m possibly getting engaged tonight. Everything I’ve worked for this year comes down to this night.” 

Blaise did not reply right away. He finished off his biscuit; expression somewhat awkward because they both knew that they were men, and men did not have heart-to-hearts.

“Well, look on the bright side,” he finally said. “At least after tonight you’ll have a little over a month left with Hermione. Things don’t have to change right away.”

“Yeah, a month to pack up my things and leave my job,” Draco said, only this time there was no heat in his words; what Blaise had said bringing the constant fidgeting with the sleeve of his dress shirt to a stop and relaxing him slightly.

Things did not have to change right away – he still had time left. Time left to do what, he did not know, but the realisation was enough to calm him nonetheless.

Tina suddenly appeared out a nearby group of people and made her way over to them. She was wearing a bright pink and lilac grown, again with the fake diamonds, and so maybe this was why Draco spotted her so easily. 

“Well, don’t you look hot,” she said, making a point of roving her eyes greedily over him.

“And don’t you look…” he said the first word that came to mind, “bright.”

“I know right,” she said happily, flipping her long hair over her shoulder. “This dress was surprisingly cheap for something so glamorous.”

Draco wanted to say that it was hardly surprising at all, a cheap looking dress for a cheap price, but he restrained himself and instead grabbed Blaise’s shoulder, who was discreetly trying to leave. 

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