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Droplets of moisture splattered against the glass, the soft falling rain creating varying patterns as each drop intermingled and flowed. The quiet apartment was dark, courtesy of the gravel-grey clouds that hid the warm rays of the sun that had been shining minutes before, casting a long shadow over the city of Portland. Leant against the large glass window that looked onto 13th avenue, Nari watched as people rushed for cover, umbrellas opening as shields against the spray of cool rain.

People watching was always something she enjoyed to do when boredom hit her, no one person that prowled the streets of the rainy city was the same as the other. Everyone had their own stories and she loved to imagine them through the different eccentricities people possessed; little scars from childhood from falling off their bike or larger ones from a life changing event, the way some people walked briskly and others floated along without a care in the world, content to take in what was happening now instead of living in the future. Everyone was unique and it was one of the only human qualities that she cared to notice.

Nestled into the comfortable pillows and blankets that lined the knook in the window she leaned to her left, reaching to grab her steaming mug of coffee off the white table, inky hair brushing against her drawn knees that were hugged closely to her chest. It was the most lived in place in her upscale apartment, the place she spent hours of her time whether it be reading, working on her computer or watching the world go by.

A soft meow drew her attention to the hardwood floor, eyes creasing and lips curling into a peaceful grin. Taking a rushed sip from her scorching coffee she placed it on the table, bending down to scoop the soft white and brown spotted fuzzy ball into her jumper clad arms, delight spilling across her face as she looked into the curious cobalt blue eyes that stared up at her.

She rubbed her thumb across the small cat's face, contented purrs rumbling against her chest, the little creature snuggling closer to her for warmth. It was a cold day, even though she had the central heating on the frigid temperatures from the outside crept in through any cracks or crevices in the walls.

As a result she had dressed herself in comfy clothes this morning, a pair of loose black sweatpants, fuzzy white socks and an oversized maroon jumper that was speckled with cat hair that stubbornly wouldn't be removed.

The feline pushed her face into the underside of Nari's jaw, the girl giggling as her whiskers tickled her neck. "Well you're cuddly today, aren't you Mim?" She cooed softly, giggling again when Mim meowed and snuggled even closer to her. Holding the adorable cat close to her chest she pressed her back against the wall, returning to her people watching, using this time to reflect on the last couple of months. It was a habit of hers, often getting lost in thoughts about the past.

It was odd how quickly time passed and things changed, it felt like just yesterday when she'd been sitting in Dr Lavericks office as a robot with no feelings. Try as she might there was nothing she could do to repay the older woman for essentially 'waking' her up from the nightmare she'd been living. She'd offered her many things as a gesture of thanks but Esther wouldn't accept anything from her, it made her like the kind motherly figure all the more. She was one of the only people she'd met who wasn't selfish or driven by greed.

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