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The jet rumbled on, traveling to some unknown destination as Marcus attempted to explain what was going on, why she was there and why the Cullens had done what they had to her.

They had explained to the best of their abilities about their position in the vampire world and the laws they upheld day–to–day. That they were chosen brothers, they ruled with an iron fist as kings and oh...they were three thousand years old. Older than Jesus fucking Christ. Right. That one was hard to forget.

Before any of that, Nari had made them start with her first group of captors: who the Cullens were, the reason for their strange eyes, the powers they possessed. It scared her that she'd been thrust into such a world where mind readers and empaths and seers and shields, whatever they were, existed. It was starting to feel a little too much like The Twilight Zone.

"Let me get this straight so I can lay it all out plainly and not go insane." Nari searched her mind repeatedly for the right words, but he had given her a lot to consider and her poor human brain was really struggling to keep up.

"You're the Kings of the vampire world and the girl between Professor X and the woman who was the embodiment of the word awkward was a half vampire. Their daughter Renesmee? Which is an awful fucking name by the way." Nari added and Caius laughed, a snort of pure entertainment and nodded his agreement. He did feel for the poor hybrid child to be saddled with such an atrocity.

"...and as part of your duties, you have to check up on her every couple of years to make sure she doesn't turn into some diabolical, slaughtering demon that kills the entire population of whatever unfortunate town or city the Cullens inhabit?" She finished her long winded recapping with a doubtful look taking over her features.

Aro tried to think if they had missed anything, though he was distracted by wondering who this 'Professor X' was that she had mentioned and also the hate she had for the cullens that made Caius's dim in comparison. Her hate was well deserved considering what they'd done to her. Their villainy benefited him and his brothers, but it only left heartbreak for Nari which sadly was unavoidable.

"That is correct, dear one."

"Uh huh...and thanks to Alice's abilities, she saw that we would all meet somehow? So no matter what I did, as soon as I met her my 'death sentence' was officially set in stone and Alice just decided she wanted to become a filthy kidnapper?" Nari asked, slightly scrupulous. She had now remembered Alice's crypticness, her hints and her odd guilty behavior. It was all making a lot more sense.

"It's not a death sentence, but that's right." Marcus, this time, who was offended at her impeachment of their motives. "Her sight is based on the decisions of others which often makes it unstable. As she told us, it didn't matter what decision you came to...if she interfered or not it was unchanged. We would have found you for reasons unknown to us all eventually. Evidently, in some way, you would have come to know about vampires. She thought it better for your sanity if they were the ones to orchestrate our meeting and essentially speed up the process."

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