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[-WARNING-]: This is a Hanahaki AU. So if you don't like blood or whatever, then I suggest not reading this. :) I also posted this on AO3.

I am very sorry. I tried making a playlist so people can listen to music while reading, but instead, some people raided it and messed up the whole playlist... They ruined it and added over 1,000+ songs that didn't even fit the fanfic.. I hope you enjoy it anyway.


The way his gaze landed on the pink-haired male was obvious. He couldn't help, but like his best friend in that way. They were connected. They were with each other all the time like they were attached to the hip. One of the males, with the dark green hair with an undercut, had been planning on leaving to go to culinary school in Italy. He just didn't know how to explain it to his friend. He couldn't just bluntly say that he was leaving without any notice. At the moment, he thought it would've been best for him to get his mind off of things. Which is when the pink-haired male suggested skating around together.

"The first one to the gas station wins." He challenged with a grin overtaking his lips.

Kojiro couldn't turn down a challenge, especially if it was coming from Kaoru. His lips curled into a smirk. Without any hesitation, the two teenagers put down their skateboards, setting up for the countdown.

"3... 2... 1... GO!" Kaoru spoke and the two teens immediately hopped onto their skateboards, pushing off in the direction of the gas station. They moved through many obstacles, almost running into a couple of people on the way there. Within a couple of minutes of the race, Kaoru arrived at the gas station a few seconds before Kojiro did. "And that's how you race, Ko." He said, turning to face Kojiro. Due to the time, the sky was dark. The only light was coming from the gas station or a bit from the moon. It shined down on the two, making Kaoru's piercings twinkle a little from the glare.

"I wasn't that far behind," Kojiro replied, rubbing the back of his neck after he came to a stop. He kicked his board up, catching it with his opposite hand.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure you weren't." Kaoru responded, grinning due to his victory. "Let's get some slushies! Your treat." He said, already heading inside after putting his board to the side.

"Wait... My treat??"

"If you say so," Kaoru said, letting out a small snicker before going inside the gas station. Kojiro had tagged along. They had headed to the slushie machines, grabbing a cup and filling it up. Kaoru got a cherry-flavored slushie while Kojiro got the blueberry slushie. Kojiro had paid for their drinks, heading out of the gas station. They had been sipping their drinks, mouths turning red and blue. Kaoru had let out a laugh. "Your mouth is completely blue!"

"It is?" Kojiro asked, though he couldn't see it. "Well, yours is red."

"Well, how about we make a different color?" Kaoru suggested with a smirk on his lips. He leaned over as Kojiro's face heated up.

"W.. Wait, what do you mean?" Kojiro asked, looking rather startled about the idea. He didn't know what the other male would do exactly.

Kaoru didn't bother explaining anything. Instead, he had pressed their lips together. The two flavors of slushie mixed together in the middle, turning a purple color. There was a small flash that went off, signalling that someone took a picture of that moment. Kojiro's face was bright red as Kaoru pulled away. "Now we both have purple," Kaoru said with an innocent smile, showing the picture he took to Kojiro so he could see it. A small smile made its way on Kojiro's lips. He couldn't help but fall for the male, yet it hurt and he didn't know why.


Adam. That was a person that made their days somehow feel lifted. He was a fun guy to be around, but he recently changed. He seemed to be more attached to Kaoru than anyone else. Yet, on Kaoru's face, he looked entranced. Like Adam was a comfort person for him, but Kojiro was the one that was always there for him, right? Wrong.

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