it's jelly mello!

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It's been a long while! How are you? I hope you're doing great and fine!

As of June 2, 2023, this story has surpassed 64,495 readers and 1,977 votes! I couldn't even believe it! I am hoping it will reach 100K very soon! I revised this book for almost 4 times and I am planning to revise some scenes here and add more special chapters.

What do you think, Czennies? 

Thank you thank you thank you thank you soooooo much for reading this cRiNGe smut!!! *sCReAmS* I really hope to see you in my other stories!! (even in not MarkHyuck T_T)

More fanfics are to be published soon~ I will express more emotion and put on it.

Love y'all! *sending heartssssss*

If you guys want to know my other stories, I will promote it on the next page.


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