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It's Minhyung's 1 week vacation

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It's Minhyung's 1 week vacation. He planned that every week of the month, he will stay and visit a tourist spot. This is his day 1, and of course, along with Donghyuck. Seoraksan National Park was their first itinerary, they will stay for one week and will build a tent. It's 7 in the evening when the two were preparing their things, hygiene and borrowed a tent from Sungchan. Donghyuck was preparing their food and it must have been a lot. Meanwhile, Minhyung was examining the tent to see if it had any damage.

"It's also my first time going there! I'm so excited!" Donghyuck exclaimed as he chortled and looked at Minhyung.

"Oh, it's a mountain though. Are you adventurous? You must be! I swear if you reached the peak of that mountain..."

"I'm getting excited as the clock ticks. My family and my older brother used to go mountain climbing when I was 12 or 14 years old."

"Woah! You have a sibling? So you're the youngest?"

"Yup! And I wonder how to be the eldest."

"Ha! It's quite hard but sometimes heart warming. I'm the eldest in our family and I have 3 younger siblings. 1 girl and 2 boys."

After the conversation and preparing their things, Minhyung was checking all of them while Donghyuck was looking on the internet how to get there as a commuter. The dawn had arrived, and both of them couldn't sleep in too much excitement. Minhyung swore to himself that this will be the very first memorable moment with Donghyuck. He couldn't express his extreme happiness inside him, same as Donghyuck.

The next morning, Donghyuck woke up at 4 AM, he cooked breakfast before waking Minhyung up. However, he sat on the bed next to Minhyung. He gazed at him as if his eyes were saying something. Donghyuck showed his genuine smile while staring at the Canadian boy. His heart was racing and he could explode anytime.

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