Chapter 1

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🥀𝕆𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕌𝕡𝕠𝕟 𝕒 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖🥀

In a beautiful Kingdom, the kingdom of France. And ruled the Kingdom is a young Handsome black hedgehog prince and he's name is Shadow the Hedgehog who lived in a beautiful, shinning and big Castle.

He had all what he wanted in his life and his heart desire but even he had everything he wanted he's mean, selfish and cold hearted

Cause he has lost he's big sister Princess Maria who had been shot by one of the criminals in France.

That incident change him completely mean, selfish and cold heart

No one i mean no one can change him back to the way he is back then after the incident.


One day in a stormy and winter night there was an old ugly lady in front of the castle doors she knocked on the door five times, until one of the prince servant open the door, and called the prince and leave the woman so the prince can talk to her

Shadow went to the old ugly lady and ask the old lady not it a nice way ask why is she doing here?

The old lady offer him a beautiful blue rose in return for shelter from the cold and stormy blizzard

Shadow thought her appearance was repulsive, useless and a waste of time and he told her to go away and never return.

But she warned him not to be deceived by her appearance for beauty is found within. When he dismissed her for the second time....

The ugly old woman transformed into a young and beautiful woman enchantress. Shadow realize what he has done as he ask and begged her for her forgiveness, but it was too late...

Cause she had seen that there is no love in his heart. And with that she punished him for being selfish, mean and cold hearted man or hedgehog

As punishment she transformed Shadow in a hideous werehog. And she placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived in there. Shadow was ashamed with his new form and he concealed himself inside his own castle.

With a magic mirror as he's window to see the out side world and the blue rose that the enchantress give to him but it was an enchanted rose that will bloom when he turned 20 years old. If he can learn to love another and earned her/his love in return by the time the last petal fell the spell will be broken.

But if he cannot made him/her return his love and not to learn to love others he will be a werehog for the rest of his life.

Few years later

He had fallen into despair and had lost all hope for who could ever learn to love a werehog like him. He thinks there is no one in this world that could love a werehog like him...............

.......Or so he thought


One day it was morning a beautiful Autumn morning everyone in he village was awake and doing their work. And there was a beautiful blue male hedgehog is walking through the village and he's name is Sonic the hedgehog or Belle that the people call him because of his beauty

Sonic:*he looks around and smiles* *in his thought* What a beautiful Autumn day hehe

Mia:Bonjour Mr. Tom *she was in front of he's bakery shop*

Mr. Tom:Bonjour Mia *he was putting away some bread*

Mia:So how's your wife?

Sonic was walking through the village with a book in his left hand
"Bonjour Belle!" "Good morning Sonic" "Bonjour Sonic" "Good morning belle!" The people of the village greet the beautiful hedgehog

🥀𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭(Sonadow)🥀Where stories live. Discover now