Chapter 4

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Shadow:Who are you and What are you doing here?!

Shadow growled at the two mobians in front of him but then the blue male hedgehog caught his red ruby eyes

Sonic:*was scared but he tried to stay brave* W-we came for our Uncle p-plz l-let him out can you see he's sick

Shadow:Well he shouldn't have trespassed here!! *he yelled in anger*

Sonic:There has to be another way...*he thinks of a way to free his Uncle then he got an idea* Take me instead..

Shadow:*he's eyes widened a little but he hides it* y-you'll......take his place? *he looks at Sonic* *in his thought* did i just stutter? What's wrong with me?

Uncle Chuck:Belle! No! You don't know what your doing!!

Sonic then look at his uncle. He then look at his little brother who is hesitated *he shake his head*

Sonic:If i did will you let him go? *with his ears dropped and look at him with his eemerald eyes*

Shadow:*he blushed a little but he hides it* *in his thoughts* why am i blushing like this? Ugh! What's wrong with me? *he shake at the thought and he calm down* Y-yes.....but you must promise to stay here.......forever..

Sonic:*he looks at him then raised his eyebrow* come into the light..

Shadow hesitate but he did it anyways he step into the light as it reveals his true werehog self. Sonic's eyes widen was now scared but he tried to stay brave while Tails was scared and worried about Sonic

Uncle Chuck:No Belle! I won't let you!

Tails:Sonic I'll stay here with you!

Sonic:Tails no!

Tails:Sonic I'm staying by your side no matter what plz?

Sonic:*sigh* ok....

Uncle Chuck:*in his thoughts* No.... Why aren't you two saving yourselves?

As Sonic and Tails stands up as they walk in front of the werehog while Tails was behind Sonic. Sonic's head lowered down slightly with his ears dropped and with his eyes closed

Sonic:Y-you have my word

Shadow:Done...*he walks to Uncle Chucks prison door*

While Shadow unlock Chuck's cell Sonic falls onto his knees cried quietly with his hands covering up his face while Tails hugs his big brother. As Uncle Chuck was free as he runs to them

Uncle Chuck:Belle, Tails listen i want- *but he was cut off by Shadow*

Shadow grab his hood and drag him out of the dungeon leaving Sonic and Tails shocked

Sonic:Wait no plz... *he reach out for his Uncle*

Shadow put him in a carriage that can walk it selft and with that he closed the door and ordered the carriage to take him to the village

Sonic and Tails watched as their Uncle has been taken away to the village by the moving carriage they watch by window in the dungeon, as Shadow return to the dungeon

Sonic:*cried* y-you....didn't even let us say g-goodbye... *cried*

Sonic start to cry. As tears run down from his eyes to his muzzle. Then Tails comfort him. Shadow lowered his ears, he felt bad for the hedgehog. He should have just let them have their last moment

Shadow:*in his thought* I should be more gentle and patience.... What's the use he'll never like me...

Knuckles:*he whispered to him* sorry to interrupt you your highness but maybe you can give them a room especially that blue boy

Shadow:*in his thought* what do i do without Knuckles, that's a great idea really for you once he has a good idea *he walks to them carefully* c-come with me....

Sonic:Huh? *he looks at Tails then him* where to?

Shadow:Do you two want to stay in this tower? *he raised his eye brow*

Sonic and Tails:No..

Shadow:Then come with me *he let out a hand just for Sonic*

Sonic look at the wwerehog then at Tails. And Tails nodded then sonic reached for shadow's hand. He then hold it.

Shadow:*he blushed a little* *in his thought* he's hand is so...... Warm..... Very.... Warm... And kinda feminine..

As Shadow lead Sonic and Tails down the tower and lead them to their rroom. Shadow sometimes secretly look or stare at Sonic. Something makes him can't stop to look at him.

They made it to a room as they entered it was Sonic's room it's kinda a little girly Sonic thought but it look nice, while there's another door Tails open it and it was another bedroom his bedroom

Sonic:Is this our room?

Shadow:*nods* yes this is your room Sonic or uh Belle or uh...

Sonic:*he smiled a little and looks at him* plz called me Sonic people called me that cause I run fast and for Belle well it's means beautiful in French

Shadow:*he blushed a little and nods* *in his thought* So Sonic means fast and Belle means beautiful... *then he smiled a little* Thank you Maria...for giving me such a unique and special one

Sonic:And um you can let go of my hand now.. *he blushed a little*

Shadow:*his face heat it up*
*in his thought* did i hold his hand that long? I need to control my emotions *then he let go of the azure hand even he doesn't want to let go of the feminine hand* you can free to explore the castle except for the West Wing

Tails:What's in the West Wing?

Shadow:*he shot a glare at Tails* it's non of your concern!

He glared at Tails as a warning to not to go to the West Wing. He the left the room and closed the door.

Sonic:*he sigh and sit on the soft bed* *in his thought* Well at least Uncle Chuck is safe and sound....... But this.....Shadow is acting weird when I near him.... I wonder why? *as he keeps thinking about Shadow* *in his thought* why am I thinking about I..... Like him.... I mean he looks.....*he started to blushed* handsome, Wait! What?!

"Ah! I see you started to liking The Master"

To be continued..

Well looks like Shadow's thought was wrong, Sonic is starting to like him~ Oooo~

I hope you like the book plz comment on which part you like and don't forget to vote, see ya next time My fellow Primes

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