8 - I Promise

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"my parents? how the fuck do you know my fucking parents!" jisung stood up abruptly, reaching for his gun to which he pointed at sako. he was furious. his parents was a sensitive topic, for their death lied in the hands of people who did the same thing jisung ended up doing; drug trafficking and gang violence. that's where most the self hatred and pity is brought forth within him.

sako leaned forward in amusement, watching jisungs grip become tighter upon the gun. "don't think of it as if i killed them, hannie. think of it like this: your parent got caught up in a bad situation, i offered them protection and money, they said no and ended up getting killed." he leaned in. "and you, jisung, could be next." he whispered. "that's what i'm trying to prevent, a pretty boy like you doesn't need to go out with the same fate as his parents. let me save you." sako explained, hypothetically saying if he kept him, practically as a slave" he'd be in no harm. which yes, is true to an extent, but at that point sako himself would become the harm.

"fate!?? you call my parents being brutally shot and murdered fate?! what the fuck is wrong with you! i am more than safe with my boyfriend around and don't need your fucking "protection" just as an excuse to get in my pants, you fucking sicko!" jisung yelled, so close to pulling the trigger, but minho slowly stood up and took the gun from his grasp.

"jisung, let's just go. he's not worth our time." he spoke softly, quiet, before turning to sako. "we will be going now, sako. please find another person to mess with and don't mind contacting us ever again." and minho began to drag jisung out while the younger boy sent saddening glares at the tall man until he was out of sight.

the walk back to the car was silent. jisungs emotions were scattered for he could decide weather he was mad or upset about such little information he'd gather about sako knowing his parents. it's was simply too confusing of a situation for him to process.

when they got back into the car, minho sped off in fury, furious of the whole situation which he knew would take a toll on his boyfriends mental health. which was opposite of what was needed. as for jisung, he stayed fairly silent. he didn't have the energy to cry nor speak up, all he wanted was for minho to hold him to sleep and pretend as if the night never happened. but it's hard to do so when his parents were brought up in topic.

you see, jisung had a rough childhood, from being poor and having parents who were never home. they left him alone most nights, leaving him to fend for himself or simply not eat at all. running water had been a frequent issue, for his parents could only afford the bill on occasion. he became extremely malnourished, not taking care of his body properly and it not only took a toll on his physical, but mental state as well.

his parents didn't do much, his father worked as a gas station cashier. his mother never had a job, but still was barely ever home and instead went out to hang with friends until her husband was off work, but he unfortunately had night shift. so jisung went to school each day, returned home to see his parents for an hour, or two at max, and then he was left at home all night alone, waking himself up each morning to catch the school bus.

as he grew older, he became aware of his parents habits and or addictions. they'd smoke regularly and pop various pills daily, and it concerned him. unfortunately, a voice as small as a childs who was never cared for, wouldn't do much. yet despite being aware of their habits, he never expected for a drug deal his parents got involved in...to lead to their brutal death.

jisung was only 15 years old when he heard the news his parents bodies were found. he remembered coming home from school just like any other day, only to see multiple police cars surrounding his house. there was an investigation, they had been granted a warrant to search through the han's apartment since their death was linked with gang violence. although inside the house they found nothing aside from drugs.

jisung himself was put in the system, the children's home, after that. there he stayed for two weeks until a family took him in, being the bangs. he lived with chans parents for sometime until the older eventually convinced his parents to let jisung move in with him. he then explained to jisung how he made his extra money, and being a young boy in need of extra support and cash, he officially became a member of a gang where he was offered protection, a roof over his head, money, and most importantly it's how he met minho.

eventually the two arrived back at minhos apartment where the elder tucked jisung in bed and went out to make a quick call to chan where he explained what had happened. chan was completely stuck on what to do next, but in the end he told everyone to cut off sako from their connections and hope they wouldn't have to face him again. minho specifically took note when chan said to make sure jisung didn't go back to figure out more information about his parents. he was afraid that the more the boy learned the harder it would be for him to stay away from learning even more.

"goodnight hun, sleep well" minho whispered, climbing under the sheets with jisung and held him close.

"min?" jisung responded weakly.

"hm? what's on your mind?"

"i know i say this a lot, but i really want out of all this..." he whispered, face buried in his boyfriend chest.

"i know, babe. i know." minho couldn't really say much more. he knew how badly jisung wished for a different lifestyle, and yeah sometimes he wished he did too, but he was able to understand it's not as easy as it seems to up and leave their people behind. he knew someday it would come to an end, they would become independent and go their separate ways. unfortunately it was hard to tell when that day would come. he could only hope it was before someone got hurt. his worst nightmare was to see one of the boys, that he called family, die. "and someday we will, but for now i just need you to hang on for me. i promise one day i'll make sure you have everything you've ever wanted."

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