10 - Stand Up

933 55 21

16th avenue apartment 118. bring all you got, i'll decide then.

unidentifiable number
who is this

chai kyong
new phone my bad

alright, be there in 30

chan had his car parked by an old alley way with jisung and jeongin sat in the back. hyunjin was currently making a deal in the alley to another buyer and the three sat patiently in silence waiting for him to get back.

hyunjin walked back to the car, incognito due to his all black outfit and hood up to conceal his identity. chan unlocked the door and as soon as the boy entered inside he bursted into fits of laughter. "holy shit! y'all should've seen this mans face. there was this guy laying on the fucking floor and i swear one of the just beat the shit out of him, fuck it was so cool. his nose was busted and they all just flicking say around his body like it wasn't even there!" he explained with laughter while buckling his seatbelt.

sometimes they all tend to think hyunjin was a bit of a sociopath.

jisung rolled his eyes, not understanding how the tallest never had any empathy for others. he sat there on his phone, messaging minho how things were going, turning the screen away from the younger male sat beside him.

"alright, jeongin and jisung, you got the next one?" chan asked getting an unenthusiastic "yeah" from both teens in the backseat. he began driving while hyunjin passed back the two boy their straps. they then put the guns in their waistbands and sat in silence once again, well, a silence until hyunjin began to run his mouth that is...

"jisung, make sure not to fuck this one up. you seem to do that a lot." he laughed, kicking his feet up on that dashboard as they pulled into the neighborhood chan was messaged.

chan ignored him hoping that jisung would do they same, yet he was expecting jeongin of all people to call the tallest out. "shut the fuck up hyunjin, do you know what even happened to him? it's fucking sick how you just sit there and talk shit on jisung just for your own entertainment. it's getting old." he raised his voice, kicking the back of hyunjins seat like a child.

hyunjin took his feet off the dashboard to look back at jeongin. "really? you too? why the fuck is everyone getting so soft for him? he's pathetic! if it were one of us that was in his situation we would've stuck up for ourselves and you know that. you see how when minho went with him, nothing happened? yeah that's because minho knows how to stick up for himself and he just happens to but dumb enough to do it for jisung too. i'm surprised he hasn't gone fucking crazy having to take care of his whiny ass all the fucking time."

jisung tried to block out everything minho said but his ears soaked everything up like a sponge. he couldn't take it anymore. he couldn't just sit and listen to hyunjin explain how he was an inconvenience when he already knew. it just made him feel worse to a point all his anger was ready to be let out.

"try living my fucking life, hyunjin!" he finally yelled out. "let me know how it feels to be a useless piece of shit that everyone thinks is an inconvenience; to—to live not knowing who fucking murdered your own goddamn parents and then find out there's someone out there who knows at least something to do with their death but they turn out to be some fucking prick who drugged me and tried to buy my body! you're a horrible fucking person to even assume i don't have a reason behind the way that i am. you constantly make me feel like i'm doing something wrong but i'm trying my best! why can't you just understand that?"

as soon as those words left jisungs mouth he felt instant regret. it's not that he necessarily wanted to keep the whole murder situation a secret forever, but more the fact it would only lead to questions. he wished he could take all of it back, yet at the same time felt a sense of relief for finally standing up for himself.

hyunjin only snickered, looking at jeongin who was wide eyed in pure shock and then back at the boy who was now crying. "we all have rough pasts jisung, it's not an excuse."

jisung wiped his eyes, he wasn't just upset anymore, he was fucking pissed off. "i'm gonna fucking kill you!" he screamed, throwing himself forward and trying to latch his hands around hyunjins neck but jeongin intervened but pushing the smaller boy back into his seat.

"both of you quit! especially you hyunjin. learn some fucking respect." he spat waitching hyunjin snicker yet again as he turned back around in his seat, kicking his feet up onto the dashboard again as if nothing had just happened.

jisung couldn't understand how someone could be so disrespectful and have such a strong opinionated hatred for him with now explanation to back up his hate. so he sat there in silence while texting minho again, lying to him that everything was alright. hyunjins words had really gotten to him...he bagan to wonder how often minho saw him as an inconvenience.

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