Chapter Seven

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yo guys look who's back in action! ;) hehe finally I've finished chapter seven! hope y'all like it and thank you so so much for the many reads for both ISWACHE and SS! it's amazing how it increases so unexpectedly <3333 oh and basically how my updating thing works: say I post a chapter for ss, the next chapter I post will definitely be for ISWACHE, cause I don't want to make them uneven :) thank you and enjoy this chapter! <3


Zeri's POV

I sigh in annoyance as the smoke clears, revealing Naruto as he poses 'coolly'. "It would've been better if you had kept yourself hidden and strike by surprise instead of announcing your arrival, baka," I muttered under my breath, and Zabuza chuckled darkly at my comment.

"Alright! You're history!" Naruto declares, glancing towards Haku. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruo forms a handsign, and Zabuza throws some shuriken at him. "Naruto! Move out of the way!" Kakashi yells, alarmed, and Naruto freezes in place. I watch in confusion as Haku intercepts the shuriken with his needles, while Sakura gasps in surprise and awe. Oh, Haku wants to fight Naruto himself. I realized, my eyes flickering towards Zabuza's annoyed expression as he barks at Haku. I yawned, deciding that I'd join Haku in the ice dome so I wouldn't get too bored.

I clasped my hands together, disappearing and reappearing in the ice dome beside Sasuke, who stumbled back in shock when I appeared beside him. I gazed at him indifferently, noting the various cuts and scratches on his body from Haku's needles before I walked towards Haku, who stood up as I approached him.

"You've done a number on him," I murmured, not surprised. Haku continued to face Sasuke silently. "He isn't going to last much longer. But you've got another one coming, so have fun," I continued, shrugging as I sat down, folding my legs underneath me. Barely a few minutes later, Naruto appeared in the dome with a grin on his face.

"Hey Sasuke! I'm here to save you, believe it!" Naruto yelled, holding a thumbs up at Sasuke gleefully. An anime vein appeared on Sasuke's forehead. "You idiot! How can you call yourself a ninja?! You should have used the outside approach, but you came inside here! Ugh, now that you're stuck in here with me, do what you want. I don't care," Sasuke growled, and Naruto reacted in the same way. "Hey! Do you have any idea what I went through to help you?!" I sweatdropped, watching the two of them arguing with each other on the battlefield.

"They are certainly amusing to watch," Haku mumbled. "I think a better word to describe them would be idiots," I offered politely, and Haku chuckled. "Well, their argument will have to wait," Haku stepped into the mirror behind him, and I closed my eyes. "Art of The Pheonix: Flame Shield," I whispered, and a flickering red ball of fire appeared in front of me. The fire began to spread until it surrounded me, creating a protective shield. Naruto and Sasuke watched in surprise, their argument forgotten.

"I never get tired of watching that," Haku spoke up from inside his mirrors, and I just shrugged in return. "Hey, there he is!" Naruto yelled, pointing at Haku. I watched as Haku appeared in the opposite mirror, playing with them before he started his attack. The senbon needles flew from the mirrors mercilessly, and I didn't move as they flew towards me, melting when they passed through the shield.

Naruto and Sasuke panted in the middle, covered in senbon and cuts. They both looked weary, and Sasuke's heartbeat seemed to get fainter as every minute passed. He was going to collapse soon if this continues, I mused. He had also activated his Sharingan earlier, so it must have taken a toll on him since Haku was so persistent. Naruto growled, clearly frustrated with the situation.

"Hey, mask guy! Stop being a scaredy cat and come out here and fight me!" he yelled, and an anime vein appeared on Sasuke's forehead. "Shut up Naruto! Both of us aren't in any condition to fight, and you're challenging him like that?! How stupid can you get?!" Sasuke growled, looking like he could strangle Naruto at any second. I stood up, my flame shield still flickering around me as I approached them. Both tensed, their eyes warily following my movements.

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