"They'll pay for this."

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-Third Person POV-
"MICHAEL!!!" Tubbo said as he witnessed his son's position. Covered in blood, his dead hardened body hanging from the wall while his feet was attached to the bottom frame of the walls with a smile (:D) on his face, his spark gone. His son was dead, his son was f*cking dead and he couldn't do anything about it. Ranboo didn't take this in very well, he cried blood on their white side and water on their enderman side, they didn't care that they were burning, who would when you saw your own child dead.

"No.. Please.." cried Tubbo, begging Ranboo to 'wake' him up, but Ranboo couldn't do anything at all. It was all true.

==Time skip 30 minutes later==

"why did he have to die.." Ranboo said as they burried their son. ". . ." Tubbo didn't reply, Ranboo knew that Tubbo's already planning something, and if it happened after Michael's death, it would be something big.

. . .

And he was right.

"We'll make them pay.."

"We'll make them suffer"

"When we said we we're going to start a war"

"we weren't joking" Ranboo cut off their husband saying this "And we won't be trusting anyone. It's us against this server. We'll be running it soon enough" they added "We'll have every single one of them, tied on strings, controlled just like how we were" Tubbo said as he was slowly pulling out the id/card for the nuke.

These two weren't the same anymore since that day.

Robbing, blowing up buildings, destroying the server, torturing governments.

=Present Day=

"Pfftttt- AHAHAHAH can't even look after your own country Big Q!?" There, standing infront of Las Nevades members, were the two of them, Ranboo and Tubbo, with Ranboo holding the loot in a bag across his shoulder and Tubbo, ready to blow up the entire country.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO!?" Purpled said in reply, being worried, annoyed, angered like the others, he had mixed feeling about them now. "You're not the same people I've met.."

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