Chapter 14: Peyton

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"Should we stop here?" I asked. We'd started out at 8:00 AM this morning and we'd been going for almost twelve hours. It was almost 7:30, and we'd just come across a nice clearing in the woods somewhere outside of Ludowici, Georgia. We'd passed the signs for it earlier today.

"It looks good to me," Eli answered.

"I think this is great," Aaliyah commented. She threw off her backpack and set it on the ground, the rest of us following suit. "I'm pretty hungry. Are y'all?"

"Famished," Luke agreed.

"I'll find something to eat," Eli said, digging through his backpack. He'd been the one carrying most of the food.

"Luke, help me put up the hammock?" Marcus asked. He nodded, heading over to help Marcus find two suitable trees. I took out the blanket Aaliyah and I had been sleeping on and laid it down on a patch of leaves. Eli and Aaliyah had started making an area to build the fire. It was nice to see them actually working together. I think our little group was finally working past our differences for the means of survival. We'd been at it for less than a week, but we already seemed like a family.

I felt kind of bad for Aaliyah though. It was Luke and Marcus together, and then Eli and I had become something more than friends, but she was just there as the fifth wheel so to speak. It didn't seem like she minded though. I'd almost apologized out of pity earlier, but I'd ended up being pretty sincere about it.

I couldn't say I'd ever been in her shoes, but I'm sure it sucked. That was why I'd decided to stop holding a grudge and just apologize. My dad had always said I needed some closer female friends too after I started hanging out with Marcus. And she was an awesome person.

It was awkward having three people like me at the same time. Of course, I liked Eli. A lot. In fact, I had somehow managed to fall in love in a matter of days. But I knew Aaliyah liked me too, and even Luke seemed to show feelings. I was struggling to please everyone, and I knew I couldn't be with more than one of them. It wasn't like Aaliyah was a problem anyways. I'd never shown interest in girls for as long as I could remember.

"Peyton! Help me build the fire?" Eli called.

"Why don't you teach Aaliyah?" I suggested. His smile faltered a little. "Or we could both teach her," I added. I hadn't meant to make him feel bad.

"It's fine. Y'all get it done," Aaliyah stated. "I'll go find firewood." She ran off into the woods.

"Are you okay Peyton?" Eli asked timidly. He met my gaze, and I knew he saw it. "You think Aaliyah likes you, don't you? And you think we don't get along?"

"Dude, how have you learned to read me in so little time?" I exclaimed.

"Anyone is easy to read if you take the time to get to know them," he replied. I smiled.

"I'm sorry. It's just stressful. I'm not even that pretty or anything, but somehow, I've managed to attract the attention of three of the four people out here with us." I sighed and started gathering some of the dry leaves from around us. Aaliyah wouldn't be back for a few more minutes.

"You don't have to apologize you know. And I don't think the two of them mind at all if we're..." He trailed off, as if he didn't know how to finish the sentence.

I chuckled. "I know. It's still weird though. I mean, infatuation and teen romance are weird, period. Oh shoot, don't take that the wrong way. You're awesome Eli."

"I know, I'm amazing, aren't I?" He puffed up his chest and thrust his shoulders back, running his hands through his hair. "I'm kidding." He put his hand on my shoulder. "It's just infatuation, as you said. They'll probably get over it eventually. Me on the other hand? I mean, I can't promise you that." There was a hint of mischief in his smile. "What do you expect them to do, honestly? It doesn't matter whether or not you're pretty Peyton, which you are by the way so don't say you aren't. It's your kind spirit that's hard to avoid. That's the first thing I noticed about you."

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