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I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, until someone began calling my name.

"Y/N, Y/N !"

I opened my eyes and I saw my older brother.

"Charles, what is it ?"

"I heard noise downstairs. I think there's an intruder in the house" Charles said, slightly scared.

I got out of my bed and we walked outside.

When we made it to the kitchen, Charles grabbed a bat that was in the hallway and he placed me behind himself.

Mother was in the kitchen, she was wearing a red dress, her makeup was already done and her hair was styled to perfection. It was odd, since it was the middle of the night.

"Mother ! We thought you were a burglar" Charles said, relief in his voice.

"Well, I didn't mean to scare you my darlings. I was just getting a snack" She answered.

(Italic = Telepathy)

"This isn't mother. I don't know who they are, but let's play along" Charles said in my head.

"Do you need any help ?" I asked.

"I'll be fine"

"Go back to bed" 'Mother' said.

We stared at her. She was getting nervous.

"What's the matter ? Go on back to bed. I'll make you both a hot chocolate" She said with a smile.

"Who are you ?" Charles asked.

"What have you done to our mother ?" I added.

Charles began talking in their mind as well as in mine.

"Our mother has never set a foot in this kitchen in her life and she certainly never made us hot chocolate, unless you count ordering the maid to do it"

The person tried walking away, but they realized they were cornered. They stood still in front of us. 

Their eyes turned yellow, and they transformed themselves into a girl around our age, maybe slightly younger. She was blue and her hair was bright red.

Charles and I smiled.

"You're not scared of me ?" The girl asked us.

"We always believed we couldn't be the only ones in the world. The only ones who were... different" Charles said as he held my hand and walked closer to her.

"Charles Xavier. This is my sister. Y/N Xavier" Charles introduced us.

"Raven" She smiled.

"You're hungry" I said.

"And alone. Take whatever you want, we've got lots of food. You don't have to steal. In fact you never have to steal again" Charles added.

We sat down at the table and we began talking as Raven ate.

"What are your powers ?" I asked her.

"I can transform into anyone" She said as she transformed into me.

"That's amazing !" I said.

"What about you two ?" She asked as she transformed back into herself.

"I'm a telepath. I can read minds, amongst other things"

"I can copy powers. Well at least I think I can. Sometimes I have the same powers as Charles and sometimes I have no powers at all" I explained.

"May I ?" I asked as I pointed at Raven's arm.

She nodded.

I touched her skin and I transformed into Charles.

"Looks like my theory was right" I said as I transformed back into myself.

This was just the beginning of our story.

Published : 04-07-23
Number of Words : 536

𝐶𝑜𝑝𝑦𝑐𝑎𝑡 (Erik Lehnsherr x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now