Chapter 4

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We got out of a car that drove us to the facility. Everything was a mess. The walls were destroyed and there was smoke everywhere. In front of the building sat Raven, Alex, Hank and Cassidy.

I ran towards Raven and hugged her.

"Are you okay ?" I asked, concerned.

"I'm fine" She said, coldly.

"What's wrong ?" I asked her, this time telepathically.

"They killed Darwin and took Angel" She answered.

"We've made arrangements for all of you to be taken home immediately" Charles told the teens.

"We're not going home" Cassidy said.

"What ?"

"He's not going back to prison" Cassidy said pointing at Alex.

"They killed Darwin" Alex said, angrily.

"All the more reason for you to leave. This is over" Charles said.

"Darwin's dead, Charles, and we can't even bury him" Raven said, sadness in her voice.

"We can avenge him" Erik said.

"Erik, Y/N, a word please" Charles said, dragging us away.

"They're just kids" Charles said, slightly angry.

"No, they were kids. Shaw has his army, we need ours" Erik said.

We all looked at each other and nodded. We turned around to face our team.

"We'll have to train" I said.

"All of us" Charles added.

"Well, we can't stay here. Even if they reopen the department, it's not safe. We've got no where to go" Hank said.

"Yes, we do" Charles said.


Our little group stood in front of the mansion.

"This is yours ?" Banshee asked.

"No, it's ours" Charles answered.

"Honestly, I don't know how you two survived living in such hardship" Erik said to Charles and I.

"Well, it was a hardship softened by me" Raven said as she put her arms around our shoulders.

"Time for a tour" I said as we all walked inside.


Erik, Charles and I stood outside. Charles held a gun to Erik's head while I watched.

"You're sure ?" Charles asked.

"I'm sure" Erik answered with a nod.

"You'll be able to catch it ? It's quite close to your face" I said.

"If I can't catch it, I'm sure you will. So I'm not worried"

We stayed silent as Charles prepared himself. Erik smiled.

"No, no. I can't. I'm sorry. I can't shoot anybody point blank, let alone my friend" Charles said as he put the gun down.

Erik grabbed Charles's arm and raised the gun to his face once more.

"Oh, come one. You know I can deflect it. You're always telling me I should push myself" Erik said, defending his point.

"If you know you can deflect it, then you're not challenging yourself" Charles explained.

𝐶𝑜𝑝𝑦𝑐𝑎𝑡 (Erik Lehnsherr x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now