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My current uploading schedule is not the best so try and be patient while I find time to write and upload lol (I have 3 kids so I don't always get time to write). This book won't be as long as the previous two most likely, their story is short and sweet.

This book will not be as dark as the previous books but there may be things that are triggering to some readers. This is a dark romance so the characters aren't going to be upstanding citizens nor should their actions be glorified in a realistic setting. With that being said, happy reading babe's 🥰

Trigger/Content Warning:
Mature content/themes, physical abuse (off page, side character), stalking, forced marriage, graphic violence.



The sound of waves crashing against the rocks below fills what little silence there is between the live band and the various conversations happening around me, but it's all background noise as the entirety of my focus is solely on her. The stunning woman dressed in an orange cotton dress that stretches and shifts against her curvy body as she makes her way across the patio. The beautiful Cicillian landscape pales in comparison to my future wife. Arrant strands of dark hair hang from the large clip that sits atop her head, doing its best to contain the mountain of curls that's nestled between its plastic teeth. The disobedient strands that the clip can't restrain brush her bare shoulders bringing my attention to the tan skin there and I can't help but admire the exposed flesh. I'm already well aware of how far gone I am when it comes to her and drooling over the sight of her shoulders just proves it further.

She crouches, pulling my gaze to her face as she smiles at her nephew, Rome, who sits in his Nonna's lap at one of the various outdoor tables placed on the large patio. Although she's smiling and her amber eyes sparkle, that sparkle is filled with unshed tears. They shine with pain instead of joy. The sight makes my stomach ache, guilt burning a trail up my spine. Not enough to make me regret the things I've done though. She's mine and I'll do whatever is necessary to ensure it stays that way.

When I hit puberty at fourteen my father informed me about the contract between the DeLuca's and our family. My father gave Rafael Senior men from our family in exchange for me, my fathers only son, to marry Alessia DeLuca. In the organized crime world the DeLuca's are considered royalty, their line dating all the way back to the making of the mafia, so to my father this was an honor and still to this day he treats it as such. He's put the engagement off when they've requested and even kept the union quiet out of respect.

Once I knew she was mine I had to see her for myself so as soon as I was old enough to get my license I drove to Easthill. Her family was unaware but she constantly posted her whereabouts on social media which made it easy to know what she was doing at any given moment. It made her easy to track. She always had a guard with her but I didn't want to approach her, I just wanted to watch her and I did. Any chance I got I made the six hour drive to Easthill or I took my fathers private jet. He encouraged the behavior once he caught me a year into my obsession so it wasn't something I had to hide. I was absolutely enamored with her and it hasn't lessened over the years. No other woman has captivated me like she does, I don't even really pay them any attention. Why would I when I have her?

Alessia takes her nephew's hand in hers and brushes a kiss across his chubby knuckles. He releases a delighted squeal, bringing another smile to her pretty mouth. She loves him, it's written all over her face and it makes me picture how good she'll be with our kids when that time comes.

My bones ache with the restraint it takes to not rush toward her and pull her into my arms. I want to snatch her up and never release her. She's been mine for a long time but unlike my father, hers didn't inform her of our arrangement. She doesn't have the same obsession for me as I do her. She hasn't spent years lurking in the shadows, watching my every move like I have her. The obsession runs deep, straight to the marrow in my bones, sinking into every inch of my body until all of me is consumed by her. She's in every breath I take, every thought I have. She's the single motivation that has pushed me forward in life.

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