Chapter 15

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I did so well the first day I worked with Isa that she legitimately hired me and my training started immediately. I was kinda glad for the reprieve from my husband that first day, I'd spent the entire morning teasing him but it backfired and by the time we made it to Isa's Cafe I was contemplating giving up on my teasing and demanding he fuck me. So when Isa had mentioned she was short staffed I jumped at the chance. It was also nice to have something to do with my time. Now we are both busy and by the time I crawl into bed at night I immediately passed out.

Isa's been picking me up and dropping me off at home since she was the one training me. A few days ago I started reading up on what I needed to know to take the permit test and even scheduled one to be taken in a couple days.

It finally feels like my life isn't stagnant anymore, like I'm actually doing something that I want to do instead of what everyone else demands of me. Dante promised my life would be different here and he's really followed through with that.

We had dinner two nights ago with Lucia, Isa and her family, and Gia and her husband. Lucia seemed fine, it's like she's a completely different person from the woman at Edoardo's funeral. None of us can really tell if it's genuine or an act but for now we've all agreed to let her deal with Edoardo's death in her own way.

Today I worked the evening shift with Isa and we're currently making our way through the closing checklist. I'm removing the pretty tablecloths from the tables when there's a knock on the glass door. I look up to see my husband standing on the other side of the locked door and place the tablecloths on the table before going to unlock the door.

Dante's still been pretty busy so I haven't seen him much other than dinner with his family. I know he sleeps with me because I always smell like him in the mornings as if I spent the entire night wrapped up in him but other than that our interactions have only consisted of a few texts.

I step back and he enters the cafe, locking the door behind him. His hair is pulled back out of his face giving me a full view of his handsome features as he turns around and those pale green eyes meet mine.

I want to have sex with my husband. I want to know what he looks like when he comes and how he tastes. I don't think I've ever wanted anyone as bad as I want him. I've gotten myself off in the shower every day for a week straight to the mental image of him naked but it's never enough, it never fully satisfies that craving I have for him.

I started teasing him as a fun form of torture for the way he treated the Jamie situation and sure at first it was fun but I quickly realized it backfired and he wasn't the only one being tortured.

He gives me a grin. "Hello, piccolina."

Tonight we're having dinner with all five of his capos and their wives. Apparently they were at our wedding but the only one I really know or slightly remember is Carlo, Isa's husband, and that's only because I've seen him a few times since then.

"Hey, we're almost done." I greet him back, going back to the table to scoop up the tablecloths and move onto the next one.

He follows me and as I remove the next tablecloth he takes the entire pile from my arms. "Take your time."

We move across the remainder of the room with him following and me handing him each tablecloth.

When we make it to the last one and I hand it over he leans in and steals a quick kiss. He's made it a habit to kiss me more often lately and I can't say I hate it.

I arch an eyebrow at him playfully. "Did you miss me?"

"I always miss you."

"As you should, she's a godsend." Isa says, exiting the back room with a broom in her hands.

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