Chapter 18

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Chapters 17- the epilogue will all be published at the same time. Make sure you read the previous chapter before reading this one ❤️



My heart feels as if it's on the verge of exploding from beating so quickly.

I'm scared, I've been scared since we sat down to dinner with my brother and his family but I tried my best to hide it. I couldn't keep it to myself once Dante and Lorenzo went into his office. The longer they were in there the higher my stress level spiked. I questioned why it was so quiet and Luca informed me the office is soundproof.

Luca and Sofia both tried to distract me with conversation, Polina commenting here and there but it didn't work. He could be torturing my husband and I'd have no idea, its all I could think about until I couldn't sit still anymore and went to the office door.The relief I felt when I saw Dante was in one piece was astronomical although the look on his face told me their conversation hadn't been a pleasant one.

The SUV drops us off at a hotel and my brow furrows. "I thought we were going home?"

I was excited to be back in Easthill when we'd first arrived but the excitement quickly waned and I was ready to be back in Landon where Dante was in charge, where I didn't have to worry over his safety as much. I'm not stupid I know if my brother wanted him dead he could kill him just as easily in Landon as he could in Easthill but it just feels different now. It no longer feels like home.

"I have to meet with Lorenzo again tomorrow so we're staying here for the night. Hopefully we can fly back by tomorrow evening." Dante explains. "Gabriele already has a suite reserved for us, I'll have him go out and grab things we'll need since we didn't pack anything."

He takes my hand, leading the way through the lobby and into the elevator. Once the elevator doors close I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face in his chest, taking a deep inhale of his scent. I'm so attached to this man it's not even funny. I didn't even realize the extent of just how attached I am to him until he was in that office with Lorenzo.

"I was scared." I admit quietly.

His hands glide across my back. "Everything is okay, you have nothing to worry about." His voice is soft and low.
He presses a kiss against the top of my head, giving me a squeeze as the elevator arrives. I reluctantly release him and he guides me down the hall. We stop in front of a door and he gives it a knock, a moment later Gabriele opens it. They give each other a look I can't read as we step inside before Gabriele closes the door behind us.

I know it's normal for the wife of the Don not to know everything that goes on in the family but when it comes to Lorenzo I don't like not knowing. He's too unpredictable for me not to worry.

We all take a seat on the couch in the lounge area and Dante releases a breath. "I know who killed my father."

The sentence is abrupt but Gabriele doesn't look shocked. So that's why we came here?

"Who?" Gabriele questions.

Dantes eyes fall on me, his gaze heavy and my heart rate picks up speed again.



It was Lorenzo, wasn't it?

"Viola DeLuca." He answers quietly but the name blares through my head like a screaming alarm.

A sharp gasp flies from my lips as I cover my mouth in shock. No. No, I must have heard him wrong. It wasn't Mamma.

"Did you say..." I trail, unable to even say the words out loud.

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