Chapter 16

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My men are becoming antsy that it's been two weeks and we don't have a single lead on who murdered my father. We've looked into all of my fathers enemies on their whereabouts the day he died and I even had Lorenzo check the flight logs as well. Nothing, not a single lead from any of it. None of it makes sense and until it can be figured out I have to throw myself into work for most of the day. The sooner we figure this out the more time I'll get to spend with my wife.

I'm seated at the dinning table where Nadia always serves breakfast, trying my best to focus on the many emails in my inbox but my mind keeps drifting to last night. I made my wife come, felt the grip of her pussy around my fingers, and tasted her wetness off of them afterward. I run a hand down my beard, shifting as my dick becomes hard in my slacks. God she was a vision as she came for me. Thighs spread wide, nails digging into the leather of the passenger seat, head thrown back.

Soft footfalls on the stairs shift my attention to the arched entryway of the dinning room and a minute later she enters. Her hair is pulled up into a clip on top of her head, a white silk robe covering her body. There's a small smile on her lips as she types away on her phone, a pretty blush on her cheeks.

I feel a tinge of jealousy that her expression isn't directed at me so I clear my throat to get her attention. "Good morning, piccolina."

She jumps, nearly dropping her phone as her amber gaze snaps to mine and she clutches the device against her chest. "Jesus, you almost gave me a heart attack." She takes a deep inhale and pulls out the chair across from me, laying her phone on the table. "I'm surprised you're still here."

"I wanted to see you before I left."

Her expression softens and the smile that curls her lips this time is directed at me. "Well... good morning."

She uncovers the various dishes and adds a bit of each option to her plate.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask, watching as she reaches for the pitcher of orange juice and pours some in her glass.

"I did, thank you." She places the pitcher down and takes a seat.

"For asking or for the orgasm?" I question with a teasing smirk as she picks up her fork and starts eating.

Her cheeks pinken but she releases an unbothered huff. "For asking." She stabs a chunk of pineapple with the tines of her fork and points the pierced fruit at me. "You're my husband, orgasms are a requirement and if I'm honest you've been slacking in that area until last night."

I give her a smile as she wraps her lips around the fork and eats the pineapple. "Well I'll definitely do better from here on out."

"Good." She tries her best to keep her expression straight but a burst of air from her mouth quickly turns into laughter that makes me chuckle along.

Merda. Having that smile pointed at me is enough to end me.

The top of her robe shifts, revealing a beautifully bare shoulder and she tugs the material back in place before taking another bite of her food. It's then I realize she must be naked under that robe. I woke up to her naked in my arms, all that silly smooth skin on display, it was hard to force myself from the bed.

She must read the look in my eyes, her teeth sinking into her lower lip for a few seconds before she looks down at her lap. "You know I've been slacking in that same department."

I run a hand down my beard, spreading my legs a little more to accommodate my hardening dick. "Have you?"

She nods, gaze flicking up to me beneath her lashes and I can't tell if what she says next will be real or if she'll leave me with blue balls afterward. "Yeah." She rises from her chair and rounds the table, my eyes eating up every shift of her hips beneath that silky fabric. "You wouldn't let me do it last night so I'll have to make up for it. It's only fair."

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