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Chapters 17- the epilogue will all be published at the same time. Make sure you read the previous chapter before reading this one ❤️



"Oh, right there, Dante. That feels so good." Alessia moans. "Harder."

I dig my fingers a little harder into the muscles of her lower back trying my best not to get hard at the sounds she's making as our five year old daughter, Violetta, sits on the floor playing with her dolls.

Alessia sinks back against me and I glide my hands around her waist and over her rounded belly. Fiorella instantly kicks my hand and I can't help but chuckle, rubbing the area I feel whatever body part she keeps nudging into her mothers stomach.

"I'm so tired." Alessia mutters and I pull her further into my lap, cradling her body against my chest the best I can with her belly.

"Take a nap."I say, brushing a kiss across her lips.

"Mamma, when is sissy going to come out?" Violetta asks, approaching us.

She has the same amber eyes as her mother, her dark hair hanging in ringlets down her back.

"Whenever she's ready." Alessia assures her.

Fiorella's due date was two days ago and so far the only contractions Alessia's had are Braxton Hicks.

"She'll be here soon." I add, scooping Vi up onto my lap beside her mother.

Violetta giggles, snuggling into us with a smile on her pretty face.

When I married Alessia I thought I could never be happier but then she gave me Vi and now Fio and the happiness I feel is almost overwhelming sometimes.

"I want to see her." Vi says, laying her small hand on Alessia's pregnant belly.

"Me too," Alessia agrees.

I lift Vi from my lap, placing her on her feet and scoot out from under my wife so she can lay on the couch. I grab the blanket that's tossed over the back of the couch and drape it across her and then I take Vi's hand. "Come on, let's let Mamma take a nap."

"Okay. Love you Mamma." She grins, pressing a kiss against Alessia's cheek.

"Love you too."

Vi decides she wants to go for a swim so I take her upstairs and we get changed into our swimsuits and then go outside to the pool I had installed when Alessia was pregnant with Violetta. Being in water was the only thing that helped elevate her back pain during Vi's pregnancy.

Vi and I played for a while. She giggles and splashes around, calling herself mermaid Violetta, her laugh sounding so much like a high pitched version of her mothers it makes me smile.

After swimming Vi helps me make dinner and we wake Alessia so we can eat together. Alessia's phone rings as we're making our way into the dining room to eat.

"Ciao, Mamma." She says as she answers the call. "Nonna says she loves you, Vi."

"Tell her I love her too and I can't wait to see her." Vi responds happily as she takes her seat.

Alessia repeats Vi's words to Viola and watches as I spoon food onto each of our plates. "I'm fine, I haven't had a single contraction." She says to her mother, rubbing a spot on her stomach as she sits in the chair beside mine. "I don't think that's necessary but if you want to you can." She pauses, her eyes meeting mine. "Dante doesn't care. Lucia will be helping out too so it won't just be on you." She winces, fingers digging into her belly again. "Okay. Text me when you land, love you." She ends the call with a sigh and places her phone on the table. "She's getting on a plane and flying out tonight, she thinks the baby is coming."

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