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Life is a battlefield full of monsters.


When I was a kid, I thought everything in the world is good. It is like a paradise in my eyes. A beautiful place where I can be free- to play, to run, and to explore as a little kid. But I was wrong. The world is cruel and full of monsters in a humans clothing.

I look up to the dark sky. As I watch how all the stars twinkle so bright, my mind keeps on wishing for a falling star. For the past ten years they have been my light in the darkness. As long as they keep shining, I'll keep fighting.

"Star light, star bright
the first star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
have the wish, I wish tonight..." I whisper before I close my eyes.

While my wishes are running through my mind, I heard my growling stomach screaming for food. It's been two days since I last ate. They are not feeding me again but I'm very used to it, so used to it. Living inside this rusty cage for ten years, I've manage to overcome hunger and thirst.

"Hey there ugly dog!"

A monster with my age call me out. I look at her and saw how smirk form on her lips. She was holding a tray of food. My stomach growl even more at the sight of the food in front of me. I gulp about the idea that I'll finally eat something after three days.

"Tipirin mo ito dahil after three days ka na ulit ni Mommy papakainin." She said before she finally open the cage.

She hurriedly place the tray in front of me before she close the cage door and lock it. She immediately leave after. I look at the food on the tray. It was obviously their leftovers again. A tear escape from my eyes before I pick it up and place it on my lap.

"You're freedom is near."

I startle and almost drop the food tray because of his sudden appearance. I keep my head down as I hold the tray tightly. I heave a deep sigh as I close my eyes. I save it and I'm thankful.

"I'm sorry if I startle you." He sincerely apologize.

How can he dare to sincerely apologize? He is one of them. The family who happens to be the human monsters of my life. I didn't​ speak, I started eating instead with my eyes open ofcourse.

"Dad is coming home." He said. "He will finally stay. Papalabasin ka na ni Mommy diyan at lilipat ka na sa kwarto mo. You will eat decent food and not leftovers anymore. This is going to be the end of it. Aren't you happy? It's a good news for you." He asked.

The end of it? Is he being serious? Once a war ends another war will rise in a whole new different level.

Life is an unending war.


A woman shouted with so much anger which make the both of us stop.

"Stay away from the cage! Get inside now!" She yelled.

It was the Queen Mother of the Monsters. I gulp at the sight of her walking towards our direction. She was fuming mad.

"Go away!" I manage to whisper while I'm trembling with so much fear.

She will surely hurt me. She always warn me not to talk with her son. I didn't talk to him not even once, but he keeps on visiting me telling me things I didn't even know.

"Ilang beses ba kitang kailangan pagsabihan na huwag kang pupunta dito ha?! Ang tigas talaga ng ulo mo!" She was so mad scolding him.

"Chill Mom! It's not bad to check out your pets condition." He said acting so cool in front of her wicked mother.

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