|7| Sunshine

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Wars is like fighting for the sunshine you can't afford to lose.



It's not everyday that you'll wake up with the sun shining at its brightest.

All these years, I woke up every single day being left in the dark.

I can't even determine between day and night 'cause I kinda feel like the world is dark all along.

It was too cruel.

It did not spare me a single mercy.

Sometimes I would asked myself, "What is really the reason why I was born in this world?"

Because growing up, I witnessed how my parents struggle with their marriage.

My Mom cheated. My Dad couldn't accept the d*mn truth. They both argue every single day... nonstop.

Instead of playing and enjoying my childhood as it is, I was forced to sat in a corner of my room covering both ears while sobbing.

Wondering when will the war stop.

My Mom would leave the house for days. Nothing is certain if she will ever comeback. While my Dad, he'll sit in the middle of the staircase quietly.

He'll stare at the nothingness for days trying to process everything. He'll cry, curse, breaks everything in the house, and drank until he passed out.

It was hard to witnessed your parents marriage collapsed at a very young age.

I was abandoned.

If it wasn't for my Grandfather, I will never grow up the way I am today.

I look at Zeno who is sleeping peacefully beside me. The rain poured out so hard last night. My driver unfortunately can't pick me up. He got stuck in a traffic due to a road accident.

It reminded of that night.

Zeno suggested that I should sleepover. Of course, given the opportunity to be with him, I did not decline. I owe him my life.

I don't know why did he not remember nor recognised me at all. This is not actually the first time.

Unfortunately, I met him in one of my darkest nights.

I was just 14 years old back then. It was raining so hard that day. I was in the middle of the street on my way home. I was just waiting for a cab when a man approched me.

He was asking for money from me, but I failed to spare him some cash because I don't have it either so he stabbed me using a pocket knife.

After that he run away. I was left standing there immovable. I can't barely process what happened. It was too fast that I failed to protect myself.

I don't know how did I managed to stand there and still wait for a cab even though I'm bleeding so much. I did not budge at all, like the pain is nothing to me.

The rain started to pour down so hard. I'm getting dizzy as I started to lose my balance. I was expecting for me to hit the cold floor but I didn't.

"Hey! Are you okay?" That was the first question I heard.

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⏰ Huling update: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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