The Unlucky Bastard is a Child?(3)

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Choi han and Ron froze at the sight of their small Young Master, who kept crying uncontrollably.
On approached Cale in her human form, since she wake up like that, and started patting the little kid head, while Hong, who just wake up, was staring at his now younger Dad with wide eyes.
The little Cale kept shaking and staring at everything in fear, His nose was red as his hair and his sniffes turned into a sob very quickly.

"Human don't cry, I will give you this cookie!"

"Who are you?"

"Don't you remember who I am Human?"

Raon dropped the cookie that he had in his paw for the shock, his eyes were shaking.
He couldn't accept that his Human didn't remember him, so he puffed up his tummy and spread his wings.

"I am a Raon Miru...the Mighty Dragon!"


'That word...isn't it Korean?!'
The little Cale was still sniffing, but he stopped crying and began to look dumbfounded to the little dragon that seemed to know him.

"We are your family Human!"

"He is right nya"

"Don't you remember us nya?"


Cale was looking at them like they had grow three head.
Even though they were dead, he remember the faces of his mom and dad, and he was pretty sure he never had a dragon in his family tree. But more importantly, this room was definitely not his room, it looked too luxurious to his liking and definitely something he couldn't afford. So he pinched his cheeks, to make sure he wasn't dreaming, but nothing happen, he could still see the dragon's plump face.

"Awe its hurts"

"Cale nim"


Many voices called to him in that moment, but Cale only turned to Choi han, who automatically avoided his gaze. Cale was looking at him curiously, because he looked Korean, but his face suddenly turned into a frown as he remembered what he had just called him.

'Did he just call me Cale nim?'

"Cale nim?"

"Human did you even forget your name?

Cale's face turned even more into a frown and his lips turned into a pout. He didn't understand what was happening but he felt offended for some reason, most of his fear was already gone, as he looked at the people in the room and started to speak again.

"My name is Kim Rook Soo, I don't know this Gae-il!"


Everyone frowned at Cale's words, but only Choi Han looked at him differently and covered his face with his hands to hold back his laughter.
Gaeli meant dog in Korean .... which is usually used as a curse words, so the sword master was really trying his best to not laugh.
But Cale noticed, of course he did and called out Choi han.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Are you having fun Choi han?"


Choi Han recomposed himself quickly after seeing the benign wrinkles appear beneath Ron's eyes. He then frowned significantly after seeing the stoic look on Cale's face.
He had seen that face many times, but it didn't look good on a 10-year-old kid, it would have been more normal if he had burst into tears again.

"Did you kidnap me?"


They heard someone laugh at that moment, it was Eruhaben who had seen the whole scene and was trying to restrain himself from laughing.
At that point Cale leaned out of the bed and looked at the the golden dragon, who was quietly drinking lemonade.

"Is he the BOSS?"

The golden dragon chocked on his drink and looked up at the 10 years old kid, who asked the question. His face was still stoic, and he seemed pretty calm now, but the indifferent gaze was making everyone uncomfortable for some reason.

'Isn't he too calm about this?'

But still that kid was definitely Cale, if anyone could be this calm during a kidnapping it would be Cale!
Still the golden dragon found it insulting, being considered a mere kidnapper that is, so he decided to present himself but Roan was faster.

"Human we aren't your kidnappers, we are your family...ehi what are you doin-?"

Cale began grabbing the little dragon, trying to figure out where the batteries were.
He thought that the dragon was a toy designed to distract him, while he was abducted, but he couldn't find any.
Cale's face turned into a frown.

"How do I turn you off?"

"What are you doing Human?!"

"If you are not a toy, perhaps an experiment?"

"What are you saying Human?"

"I'm saying that dragons are not small like you, I read it in a book"

The small dragon petrified at Cale's words, he felt like his hearts was being crushed right now. Roan was so close to crying as his eyes were already turning misty.

"Raon is crying nya"

"Cale is a stupid nya"

Cale started looking puzzled at the two talking kittens, and rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Do cats talk?"

Now it was On and Hong who were hurt and began to cry , they couldn't believe Cale didn't remember them, but this...

Everyone thought so.

'This was too much'

During the chaos Ron approached Cale, bent down to his level and called for him. His benign wrinkles appeared beneath Ron's eyes as he stared at his little puppy.

"Young Master!"

Cale looked up and couldn't help but shiver at Ron's sight. The old man was smiling but his eyes were cold.

"Do the good Young Master for a while okay?You don't want to make children cry right?"

Cale nodded obediently, too scared to speak and squatted in bed more, his neck felt too cold.

'Where the heck I am?'
Hope u liked this chapter see u soon

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