The Unlucky Bastard is a Child?(7)

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Cale opened his eyes that were gently hit by the heat of the sun, and noticed that Roan was sleeping beside him, murmuring his name in his sleep.

'How cute'

Cale smiled even wider and begin to caress his little head, but before he could call his name something grabbed him from behind.

"What in the hell-"

Cale never turned around so fast in his life, and he couldn't help but frown at the sight in front of him.

'Why was Alberu Crossman in his bed?'

Cale couldn't help but frown even more, as he looked around and noticed that he was definitely not in his room.

And that he couldn't remember a single thing before falling asleep. So left without option he looked at his Hyung, Who was sleeping peacefully behind him and decided that he needed answers.

'Why is he not waking up?'

He tried everything, from pulling his hair to hit him in the chest, but nothing worked. So After five minutes of struggling Cale felt tired and give up.
The redhead was internally screaming for someone, anyone to explain what was happening. He tried to speak up but his throat felt dried, so he grunted in his small hands and stared at everything in annoyance. Cale couldn't believe he was feeling so tired, by so early in the morning.

'Why am I so unlucky'

Cale let out a defeated long sigh, and With nothing left to do, but to wait for his family to wake up from their beauty sleep, he started to look around, and couldn't help but frown at the enormous sight of the room. He knew his Hyung was very rich, and could afford the best room of this castle, but the size was overwhelming him, he felt suffocated.


Cale let out a groan when Alberu wrapped his arm around Cale's waist even tighter, before mumbling some incomprehensible words that made the red head look at him in disbelief.

'Did he just called me a bastard in his sleep?'

Or maybe not that incomprehensible.
Cale turned around to have a better view of his Hyung and he couldn't help but stare at his face.

'Why does he have to be so handsome'

Cale pooked at Alberu cheeks in annoyance, which made the crown prince slightly frown, and Cale giggled at the sight, before his eyes caught his Hyung's hands. He looked horrified.

'Did they got bigger?'

Cale blinked a few times before shooking his head in disbelief. First the room, now his Hyung. It all felt too overwhelming for him, but what was most worrying the red head was that he didn't remember anything at all.
Usually his ability record, would capture everything in his daily life, but he couldn't see anything, that could have take him here in the first place.
He felt as if he was missing pieces from his mind...

'Calm down, what was the last thing I did?'

Cale tried to reason with himself and not freaking out, so he begin to rewatch his records from the night before.
He passed out after opening the black book, and around him were his children...
Cale suddenly jumped up from his position in the bed and looked out the window, his forehead was full of cold sweat and his hands were shaking.

'How much time had passed?!'


Cale turned around, and he could see two bright blue eyes looking at him.
Raon was with him when he opened the book, did something happen? Were they alright? Where On and Hong were?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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