The Unlucky Bastard is a Child?(6)

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"Your Highness?"



Choi Han's eyes softened at the sight in front of him.
He could see the Crown Prince, in his royal pyjama and messy hair,
desperately trying not to make any noises and wake the kids up, as he got up of bed and walked over to him.


Choi han tried to muffle his laugh, but failed miserably. When he had let Cale and Raon to go and play with the Crown Prince, as they putted it, he didn't expect this.

'This punk'

Alberu couldn't help but frown to his teacher, who was looking at him slightly amused.

"Your Highness what happened to you?"

Alberu frowned even more as he thought about what had happened in his office a few hours ago and waved his hand in a resignation sign.
He didn't want to think about it anymore, he was really tired after babysitting his Dongsaeng all day, not that he was complaining.

"I- I couldn't finish my paper works because of the children..."


Choi Han made a sign for Alberu to elaborate further, which made the poor crown prince scowl in exasperation.
His cheeks were slightly red and he was looking at anywhere but Choi han.

"Cale asked me to sleep beside him and Raon so I did..."


Choi Han shoulders were shaking hard now, he seemed to the verge of crying in amusement.

'I used to be respected and feared'

Alberu scowled even more at Choi Han, who had calmed down and was looking at him innocently and turned to look at his office.
Needless to say, that was a disaster too.

There were sheets everywhere and ink stains on the walls, he could even see some apple pie on the ceiling.

'Where the hell he got those apple pies from?!'

Alberu couldn't understand how the little dragon always had apple pies with him, or why no one asked him about it.
Even Cale simply accepted the little dragon's pies, with no questions whatsoever.

"Your Highness?"


Alberu snapped unconsciously at Choi Han, being too lost in his thought. Unaware of  the sword master's worried gaze towards him.

'Is he sick?Did the kids stressed him too much?'

And Choi han unaware of Alberu's thoughts tried to approach him, but something stopped his tracks.


He turned to the source of the little sniffle and noticed Cale being in distress. His eyes were close and he was slightly shaking.

Alberu noticed too and panicked.


"Cale nim?!"

'Is he having a nightmare?'

Choi han and Alberu thought, as they tried to comfort the little kid with soft words, but mostly felt useless in front of their friend, who seemed in pain.


Raon wake up at the sound of his human crying and hugged his small body, to give the little red head some sort of physical comfort.

Raon's paws were shaking too and his face turned into a mess.

"I am a mighty dragon..."


The Unlucky Bastard is a Child???Where stories live. Discover now