party in heaven

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"What's poppin bro!" I said dabbin Bully

"Nothin just been chillin and shit now what been poppin with you?" He said sitting down

"Shid, I could say the same thing but look where I am at right now" I said smiling

He chuckled and leaned back in his chair..

"But I got some news that happened the other day with Aaliyah" He said sighing

That's when my heart start beating quickly and random thoughts started filling my head right now..

"What happens? Is she hurt like please don't tell me my wife is gone bro" I said looking at him

He quickly cleared his throat and began talking...

"Nah, she might be a lil shaken up by the situation but actually Renee is the one dead if I'm being honest with you Bryson" He said crossing his arm

"Wait like how is Renee dead and why would Aaliyah be shaken up by the situation tho?" I said confused

"Well Kam told me a lil bit of what happen so Renee called Aaliyah to the playground to tell her some information bout this nigga name Armani E. who has something to do with you being in here so I don't know if she told you but she found out that Renee has a brother that goes to this same jail, I don't know his name tho. Anyway Aaliyah smart ass decided to blackmail Renee to tell her some information cuz I guess Aaliyah had some dirt on Renee's brother then she told Liyah that she worked with this nigga from Cali with the name of Chance Weather who was the middle man but Armani E. is his boss. They went to Cali to find this Chance Weather and plus to get in contact with Kris which they gotten some information but Kam ass ain't telling me shit so back to the park shit, Renee told Liyah that she's in danger cuz she told Liyah bout Armani now his people is following her and shit.  So Renee asked Liyah if she could protect her daughter and her husband while she's gone cuz Renee doesn't want Armani's people to come after the daughter and the husband. So Liyah agree to watching after them and everything then as she was telling Liyah to tell India how sorry she was for not being around then she was shot in the back of the head. And Aaliyah just sat there didn't move a muscle while blood was on her left side" Bully said shaking his head

I leaned back taking everything in like I honestly don't know how to feel cuz that was my baby's mother like I'm not bout to sit here and feel sad bout it knowing she wouldn't feel the same way bout me if I was gone but one thing that I will say is that I do feel sorry for that little girl and the father cuz now they are going to have to grow without a mother and wife. Like no one should be going through this type of pain right now if I'm being honest.

"I know the husband is taking it right now but where is the daughter and the husband cuz Armani's people going to go after them if they know where Renee lived at" I said looking at him

"Kam was telling me where the grass is always greener bullshit where I don't know that is at or what the hell he is talking bout to be honest" Bully said shrugging

How did she get the key to the cabin? That's another reason why I need to get in contact with Aaliyah.

"I'm going to keep it real with you big bro like you may have to working with them to get all of the information that's going on right now cuz this getting information from Kam bullshit ain't cutting it and you know this like I understand that you still thinking bout what you want with Keisha. At the end of the day, you are going to have to put your ego and shit to the side for right now" I said crossing my arm

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath like I know he don't want to do this plus deal with Keisha but he's going to have to give in at some point.

"Fine damnit like you betta be lucky that you are my brother cuz I would have told you fuck no to your face" He said pointing to me

"Appreciate it bro but when you going over to the house?" I said smirking

"Who's house? I deadass hope you talking bout you and Liyah house cuz I ain't got time to go back to Keisha place and argue with her stubborn ass" He said rolling his eyes

"That is your son's mother like stop acting an asshole nigga" I said with a chuckled

"Mmhm whatever nigga but I plan on going over to YOU AND AALIYAH CRIB maybe later today after I run sum errands and shit" He said looking at me

"Say dat but get sum information on who Renee's brother is and Armani cuz that name does sound familiar to be honest" I said standing up

"Aight boss man, I got you now stay smooth and dangerous in this hell hole bro" He said laughing

I flicked him off as I watching him walk away then the guard took me back to my cell while I was thinking bout everything that Bully told me right now..

Renee is dead?...

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