.04 | Happy

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💋🐝The Day of the Light Show🐝💋

Emily's POV

I've done a lot of thinking in the past week. For starters, the party. The party was fun, besides Jacks freak out, my overreaction and Sammy floating off to space, it was pretty cool. I think my favorite part was the day after the sleep over when we woke up, how we all carpooled to ihop for breakfast instead of making breakfast at home.

I've also been thinking about Jack. How he freaked out so badly and how he didn't say sorry. Well him saying sorry was to pay for maids to come by my house and clean up while we were at breakfast. It was annoying, he thinks he can just apologize and buy me something with his superstar money. It kind of made me hate him more and ever since he landed he's been so cocky. Before-actually, even while we were dating, Jack was the sweetest person ever. I don't know what changed him. Maybe it was the fame or his girlfriend. Jacks never mentioned his girlfriend to me even though I already know about her. I'm not jealous at all, Jack is his own person and he can do what ever he wants. I just feel like it's kind of rude, to cheat on me, then not to talk to me for six months, then we we start talking again, you act like everything's fine and then you flirt and hit on me even though you have a girlfriend. It all just adds up and it stresses me out.

On top of that I've done my researching on his girlfriend and apparently she's only famous from Justin Bieber and that she's also a big hoe. She basically island hops to twelve different boys and they're all friends with Jack. But I do sort of understand because Jack and his friends are really attractive, but I've also read that she's not "just friends" with them, but she's legit getting into their pants. The boys could be dazed by her looks because she is decent looking, but she's fifteen! Isn't that illegal?? I've also read that she bullied a kid to death back in her home town and threw her Bat Mitzvah on the day of his funeral. But all of this, everything I've read could be false. I also don't know her so I can't be judging her.

I've been very active lately with the boy's fans on Twitter, they're all so nice and they all give me good advice on how not to annoy or piss off the fans. One of their main advice was not to act slutty or be a slut around all the guys, that was the only one I was worried about. The fans pretty much accepted me for being on the dance team at UCLA and they understand that the clothes we wear there are very short so I was glad I wasn't going to get hate on for that. I was worried about the guys. Not necessarily the guys back in LA but the ones here in Omaha. Nate, Sammy and Johnson are and were my closest friends throughout my whole life besides Laine and Gilinsky of course. There was no way I was going to stop being as close with them as I already am just for the fans to like me. They didn't need to worry about Johnson and Nate, they were like brothers, Johnson maybe just a tad bit closer to the brother side and Nate maybe just a tad bit closer to the 'more than friends' side. There was Jack, I wasn't going to be messing around with him anymore. He's in a relationship with someone and that's final and I'm not going to ruin it. But then there's Sammy, he's just so amazing. He had everything Jack had but more. He had respect for me and respect for him self, he pushed me into doing things beneficial for myself instead of sitting back and watching, and he was honest and he always asked me before he did something that might upset me.

I've also decided that I should take a break from the flirting with Sammy and Jack. Well for Sammy it will be hard, because that boy is freaking hot, but I don't want to get myself into something I won't be able to handle. Jack on the other hand, even though his jawline could cut through diamonds and his eyebrows are darker than the night sky, or even how his smile could light up the world, he has a girlfriend. I don't want to get my self into other people's business and it's so tempting to just make out with his face but I just can't do that.

It's been a week since the party and Ive been really negative and the amount of positivity in my life was lacking. I've been in the bath for a while now and my head was starting to hurt. It was probably from the hot water or all the thinking that's being done in my head. I got out of the bath, covered myself with my robe and then drained the water. I plopped on my bed grabbing my phone noticing I had millions of text messages and phone calls from my dad and some from each of the boys. Right as I was about to reply to my dad, he started to call me. "Hello?" I answered. "Emily?! Oh thank god you're okay. The light show started two hours ago, you told me you'd be here on time." He shouted. "Sorry dad, I fell asleep. I wasn't feeling to well," I lied trying to fake cough. "Oh are you able to drive?? I'll have Jack g come by and pick you up, its a long drive. I don't want you risking anything." He said then hanging up. I sighed rolling over onto my pillow and letting out a big scream. "That felt good," I said to myself out loud. I got up and brushed my hair and changed into a a pair of black skinny jeans, a flannel with a tank top underneath and topped it off with some random beanie I found in my room. I put on my black matte Doc Martens and started to do my makeup. I put on some light eyeshadow and mascara and started to brush my teeth once the doorbell rang. I rolled my eyes finishing getting ready and grabbed my phone and guitar. I walked down the stairs taking my time, trying to piss Jack off a little so he wouldn't bother me for the rest of the night. I opened the door to see Jack staring at the floor wearing a black sweater with black skinny jeans and a maroon snap back. "Hey Em," he smiled. His smile was soft, he didn't have a gift or anything witch somewhat made me in a better mood. "Hi," I replied stepping out into the cold and locking the door behind me. "Let's go," he said walking towards the car he immediately walked towards my side of the car opening the door for me. "Thanks," I mumbled putting my guitar by my feet. "Are you singing tonight?" He asked starting the car. At the end of the light show the kids could sing a little or do something around the camp fire, it was actually really fun and every year I did something with one of the guys. "Yeah, I'm singing with Nate and Sammy." I told him bouncing my knees slightly. "Well that's gonna be killer. You have a voice of an angel and all three of you combined, you might as well win a Grammy while you're at it." He added in, I shrugged my shoulders in reply.

Jealous // Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now