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💞🎶Dec 20, J&J Concert🎶💞

Emily's POV

A lot of things have happened after the light show. Jack and I have set boundaries that were definitely necessary. We talked about his girlfriend. Turns out she's not really his girlfriend, she really likes him but Jack doesn't know if he likes her back. After we talked about that, he told me not to feel guilty about the kiss, and I was okay with that. Jack also told me that he feels really bad about how he was acting before. He kept bringing me gifts because all of the girls in LA are needy brats and he just forgot that I'm never like that. Jack apologized for what he did with the honesty swear, Jack only does this little honesty swear when he really means it, we've been doing it since we were five.

The night of the light show, after the fire flies, we did the Bonfire and I sang Secrets by One Republic as Sammy beatboxed and Nate did a free style rap half way through the song. After that Jacks dad was incredibly impressed, he was saying how one of the opening acts for Jack and Jacks concert was canceled and they were in a need for extra performances. So he talked to their managers and the facility and that's why we are here backstage at the Ralston Arena in Omaha Nebraska.
Sammy and Nate are going to rap a few of their songs after Emblem three and I was going to come on stage a little later with Jack G and sing a duet.

Right now Gilinsky and Johnson were trying to teach me the water bottle game they play all the time in their snapchats. "Wait, so all I have to do is throw the bottle on the ground?" I asked totally confused. We were all hanging out in the back room waiting for the meet and greet to start. "Pretty much. But it goes quick, once someone throws it on the ground you have to pick it up and then bounce it again." Johnson said. "No offense but that's really stupid," I laughed crossing my arms over my chest. "You know what's stupid?" Gilinsky asked walking towards me with an open water bottle. "I swear to god if you-" I started as Jack splashed some water on my shirt. Jack gave me a smirk as he slowly started walking back. "You have three seconds to run." I shouted grabbing two water bottles and twisting off the caps. I chased Jack out of the back room and down the hallway where many staff members stood giving us dirty looks. We splashed water on each other, Jacks water bottle all gone. "Emily, please." he begged laughing dodging me and running out backstage. I followed him trying not to get water on any of the electronics and dumping the rest of my first wattle bottle on him. I chased him on stage where there were few fans sitting in the back rows watching us. I dumped the rest of my water bottle on Jack as he slipped on the already wet stage. He grabbed my hand at the last minute pulling me down with him. "Oww," he groaned rolling over to face me as I was dying from laughing. "What's wrong?" He asked chuckling as well. I was pointing at his shirt. He was wearing a white shirt and his defined abs were totally seeping through. Jack looked down at his shirt and then looked me up and down as a smirk was plastered on his face. "What?" I looked at him weirdly than looking at my shirt. I also forgot that my shirt was white as well and I also had on a bright blue sports bra on underneath. I looked back up at Jack as he just had a genuine smile on his face. "Don't act like you've never seen a bra before." I said hitting his chest lightly. I got up walking towards the dressing room as I felt Jacks presence behind me (nothing sexual or anything... seriously😂).

When we went into dressing room there were a few of Jacks friends in there sitting on the couch talking to the other Jack. "There you guys are," Johnson gave us a weird look at our heavy breathing and soaked shirts. "Friends, meet our very best of friend since the womb, Emily. Emily, meet friends. This is Matt, Nash, Aaron, Jake, Cameron, Bryant, Andrea and Madison." Madison? Wow was this really her?? If this chick is fifteen why does she have make up and boobs of a thirty year old porn star? I greeted everyone with hugs, I wasn't really the handshake, type of person. When I gave Madison a hug she flashed me a fake smile patting my back lightly. I gave Sammy a weird look who was trying to hold his laugh, standing behind Madison. Rude, I thought. "Sammy, I need a shirt." I called out to him, walking towards him as the others started their own conversations. Sammy leaned against a wall with his hands on his head. "What's wrong?" I asked him with a light chuckle at his annoyance. "Man, she's so annoying." He laughed quietly, nodding towards Madison who was speaking loudly about some type of music career. "She seems nice." I shrugged my shoulders ignoring the fact that I've never met her before and she's already giving me attitude. "That Andrea chick is really pretty, she seems familiar." I added in. "Yeah she's pretty chill and she's a youtuber, I just got off your with her." Sammy said. "Wait you were on tour?!" I asked confused, (they are getting so big!!). Their friend Nash walked towards us with the same annoying expression Sam had on a few seconds ago. "Hey man," he said sighing, giving Sam some weird 'bro shake'. "What's wrong with you now?" I asked sarcastically laughing. "She's so annoying," he started as I mentally gave my self a tally mark for the second time I heard Madison is annoying. "All she does is talk about herself!" He whisper shouted. I looked over his shoulder at Madison and the people still sitting there with dramatic looks on there face with a hint of annoyance. "Sammy, I need a shirt." I reminded him. "Oh yeah, let's go to my dressing room." He nodded his head, heading towards the door. "Where are you guys going?" Andrea whispered. "To Sam's dressing room, I need a new shirt. You can come with." I whispered back. The three others sighed once we got out of the room causing me to laugh a little. We walked into Sammy's dressing room which was surprisingly clean. I skipped over to his rack of clothes and took a black shirt off of its hanger. On the front of the shirt it had this neon lion head, and on the back it said Wild Life so I just assumed it was part of their merch. I quickly changed in the bathroom into the black shirt that matched so well with my effortless outfit. I had on a pair of dark denim jeans from Hollister and black and white checkered vans. I didn't really try on my outfit since they told me I had to change into a dress when I would go on stage with Jack anyways. I came out of the bathroom to see even more people out there. "Woah, it's like a mini party." I laughed putting my wet tshirt on the back of the chair. "Yeah. We are all trying to get away from Madison." Cameron scoffed as everyone else nodded their heads in agreement. Ive started to take note every time someone says something about Madison, clearly she's annoying. But I was in her presence for only three minutes so I couldn't tell.

Jealous // Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now