Chapter 51

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*Pic of Aubrey, Bianca, and Carter*

Blue POV

"So that is the story of me and y'all's dad." I smiled. My daughters sat before me with amazed looks.

"Heck naw. So you just gone end the story with this Leslie chick dying?! Ma you wrong." Bianca shook her head.

Black and beautiful is what my Bianca turned out to be. Loud and ratchet is what she is. I knew she was gone turn out like me the first day I saw her snapping on this boy outside of her school. 17 years old and beautiful.

"Like really mom? I mean this story has gotten me flabbergasted. My whole demeanor has changed on you and your swarm." Aubrey stubbornly crossed her arms.

Yes, my baby turned out sidity just like her stuck up father. She is the number one student in her class out of 300 kids. She feels like she deserves to were Gucci and Prada more than me. But she know better. I'm the queen that's letting her live.

"English, Aubrey, English." Carter rolled her eyes at her sister.

Carter is calm, cool, and collective. She reminds me of Noel. She would do anything for her sisters. The only thing I don't like about her is she's too honest. I mean just last week she told Noel she could stand to lose a little weight!

"You were a maid for dad." Bianca giggled.

"A great one too." August came from the back of our mansion in DC. Following behind him was Sippi, Perry, and Noel.

I admit that we've gotten older and put on a few pounds. But one thing about all of us is we all still share the same love for each other.

Knock knock

"I bet that's Messiah." Aubrey jumped up and opened the door. Messiah stood there looking like a boy version of Leslie.

"Hey sis." He hugged Aubrey. He walked in and greeted everybody.

"Hey ma." He hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Hey sweetie. Who dropped you off?" I asked.

"My dad." He said. I simply nodded.

"Let's put the meet on the grill." Sippi begged.

I will always care for Sippi although I know we're only friends. I just love how he is towards the people he love. Kind and warm hearted.

After college he went and played one year for the Houston Rockets before getting injured. He never really had the courage to go back. Sort of like Derek Rose.

"Take the ribs outside. I'll be out in a sec." August assured him. Sippi took the meet out the refrigerator and took it out.

"I love you girl, now and forever." August kissed me before leaving out with Messiah following behind him.

"Awwww." All the girls screeched.

"Stop." I blushed.

"Mama still got the juice." Bianca smirked.

"Tell me about it. I can't even get the juice and keep it." Perry laughed.

Perry Perry Perry. After college, Perry was popping out babies like she was a beginner. This bitch even got a son by Monta Ellis! This bitch hollering bout I got the juice. She need to tell these niggas to keep they juice to themselves with all them damn children!

"I love my fiancé." Noel smiled down at her sparkly engagement ring.

Yep. Colton proposed to Noel's sneaky ass. I love my sister to death and want nothing but the best for her but Colton don't understand that Noel is a business woman. She has no time for family, sex, love, or none of that shit. She is all about the Benjamins.

"I wish I knew what love is? Boys find me too intimidating." Aubrey said.

"You're so stuck up and don't need nobody. Why would boys talk to you?" Carter frowned.

"Stop being mean, Car." Bianca said while rubbing Aubrey's back.

"Be patient Brey. I was patient for the right man and I found your dad." I smiled.

"Yall have a beautiful yet gruesome love story." Carter laughed.

"One of these days yall will have the same story." I assured them.

August POV

"So how does it feel?" Messiah stared at me. Sometimes I catch myself calling him son or something, simply because I fucked his mom a couple times.

"What?" I flipped the meat.

"Being married. I mean Sippi has never been married yet he get his fare share of females."

"Simple. I had to see my life without blue and I was dying! I can't live without her." I shrugged. Sippi chuckled and sipped his Jack Daniels.

"You should have wifed my mom." He said. Sippi and I stared at each other.

"Your mom didn't love August and August didn't love your mom." Sippi said straight and forward.

"Yea she did. Daddy said while they were dating you was all she talked about." Messiah kept pressuring the issue on.

"Look.." I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I love my wife, Blue. We have three beautiful daughters. Leslie blessed us with you. And I got a nice ass job. I love this life I have." I assured him.

Sorry Messiah but I didn't love your mom. I'm sorry for his loss but I'm not sorry for loving Blue.

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