Chapter 24

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And I hate you for your lies and your covers

And I hate us for making good love to each other

And I love making you jealous but don't judge me

And I know that I'm being hateful but that ain't nothing

That ain't nothing

I'm just jealous

I'm just human

Don't judge me

Blue POV

I sat in this small room with one hand handcuffed to the table. There was only a table in the middle and a two way mirror in front of me. These walls were silent. I noticed a camera in the corner but didn't dare look at it.

I sat there staring at the two way mirror in rage. I promise on my mama's grave I'm gone kill somebody when I leave!

The door swung open and a tall dark male walked in and sat in the chair across from me. I pierced my eyes through his head. My mouth didn't budge.

"Do you know why you're here Ms. Haughton?" He asked while tapping his annoying ass pen on the fucking table. I looked down at the pen tapping on the table.

"Can you please stop that?" I said through clenched teeth. He quickly put the pen in the pocket on his shirt.

"You are too beautiful to be in here Blue." He leaned in as if he was telling me a secret.

"You don't know me!" I spat out. I yanked my hand hoping to free me from the cuffs but I had no luck.

"So why'd you do it Blue? You scarred that girl for life." He bit down on his bottom lip.


"So you telling me that bitch pressed charges on me! She threw her kicks in too!" I snapped.

"Don't bullshit me Blue!" He yelled but it didn't phase me. I just stared into his dark brown eyes. He's actually cute! Too bad he don't like hood chicks like me.

"Okay I beat her ass. But the bitch had it coming." I shrugged. He laughed revealing his beautiful white teeth.

Ever seen a sexy dark skin boy with some nice white teeth? That shit is a turn on. I know August light skinned and all but I'm originally attracted to dark skin men.

"Blue?" He pulled me out of my little fantasy.


"I said you get to have two calls." He said. I nodded. He stood me up and took the cuffs off. He gave me a orange jumpsuit and took me to the phone.

"Call for officer Johnson when you're ready." He said. I looked at his name tag and saw that was him.

"Okay." I said and he walked off. I quickly dialed the number I knew best.

"Hello?" His confused voice boomed through the phone.

"It's Blue." I said in almost a whisper.

"Awe shit! What you did now?" Ace said disappointedly.

"This girl I beat up at school today pressed charges on me." I said.

"What?! So when is your bond being set?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just want to graduate and move away." I said.

"I'm on my way." He said before hanging up. I called the next number I knew.

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