Touring the Capital

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The next day talks continued and a plan was made. The city blocks near the capital building(which luckily were not residential) were blocked off from the public so a tour could be taken. The only non military personnel still in the area were firefighters, EMTs, and police officers. The walk would pass a fire station, a WFM airbase, the national SecDiv headquarters, and a few less important locations. 

James and Nezu walked down the empty road and passed the fire station first. 76 had not originally planned on having 3 units but due to the SA virus had rescue 13 permanently assigned to it. So an extra bay was under construction in the station. A few firefighters sat outside the station and watched the 3 foot, bipedal rodent walk. For obvious reasons that was rather confusing but it was accepted as the reason for the closure or the area.

James: Richards, how are you doing?

A firefighter waved and walked over.

Richards: Pretty good, finally got my arm fixed, 1st day back after that fire in the Convention Center.

Nezu: How bad exactly was this fire?

Richards: Did that thing just talk?

James: Ah, where are my manners. Richards, this is Nezu, he is classified. Nezu this is Richards, a firefighter assigned to Rescue 13, used to work for the INCFD before the eruption.

The two greeted each other and Richards explained what happened at the convention center.

Richards: So a few insurgents planted a massive bomb in the convention center and the entire city got toned out, thousands of people from multiple countries were there and it was bad. I was sent to work with station 28 while everyone else here was sent to the top floor to secure fireworks.  Fire got worse and the fireworks detonated, some floors pancaked and debris messed up my arm. I went with station 2 and we cut a hole in the wall which was really the floor and got these guys out. Then I was sent to Capital Medical Center.(A/N: Had to check my notes for that explanation, I wrote over one thousand words just about that fire)

Conversation continued about fires that occurred and Nezu asked about the INCFD. Now the INCFD no longer exists, or at least it is buried under volcanic ash. The Isla Numbar island chain was a New Orderian colony(hence the C in INCFD) and the largest island had a volcano erupt from the center of it. Richards was assigned to Squad 1 and saw the worst of it. The last day of eruption was the worst, the ground blew open and ripped the largest island apart entirely and the debris and fireball covered everything for miles. Richard had been carrying an injured police officer to a fire station when this happened and was caught in the explosion. He was pinned under debris for 3 days before the military could fly in helicopters for rescue efforts.

After the stories were told the firefighters were ordered not to mention Nezu to anyone ever. Luckily the firefighters in New Orderia are patriotic as all hell and would not disobey an order from the leader of the nation. Especially considering that James visited the station normally and had befriended the firefighters.

The walk continued with a few more stops when finally they reached the edge of the allowed area for Nezu. It was on a cliff overlooking the city. The skyline of Malask was visible behind New Orderlands. Now you probably though of a sunrise or sunset here, NOPE, it is summer in Antarctica, the sun is perpetually in the sky and it just has a circular motion. The only sunset or sunrise is once per year each and it is in fall and spring respectively.(The summer months are when Christmas and all those other holidays happen, winter is when schools are out because it isn't safe for students to walk in complete darkness to and from school)

They two walked back to the Capital building, with tons of government agents and military personnel watching but we don't worry about the details, talking about how New Orderia operates. While they walked FDNO engine 76 drove passed holding down the Q(anyone who likes fire trucks knows what a Q siren is) and the firefighters gave quick wave to the two. A few patrol cars followed which was abnormal.

The two entered the Capital Building again and returned to James' officer where some more discussion would occur before Nezu returned to his universe to handle an issue. Apparently a student had been abducted in the chaos of the training camp attack.

Nezu: One more thing, you were lying earlier when you said that Lithium was your main goal. At the very least it was a half truth.

James: They told me you were smart, I should have expected this. Listen, I can't tell you everything for security reasons. I will not lie to you, but you will not get a complete answer. I assure everything I do in your universe is for the betterment of all mankind.

Nezu: At what cost?

James: Whatever it takes to save 10.5 billion people.(A/N: that is 500 million below the official estimate for 2200 which is 11 billion, that is not me pulling a number out of my ass)

Nezu: I assume that is the population of this world? If that is it has a higher population than my own.

James: Yes it is. I need to ask you not to look into Fractured Dawn, don't cause a panic over a theory.

Nezu: I cannot turn a blind eye on something dangerous.

James: I don't want to have a conflict, we need to work together for now, conflict will only cause civilian deaths. My men are soldiers and are trained to kill, your "Heroes" are a protective force, not an army. Prolonged combat will only kill good people.

Nezu: I will not interfere with your operation unless lives are at stake.

James: I'm sorry I can't tell you everything.

Nezu was returned to his universe with a police escort and when he entered the Havoc A site he was escorted to a black sedan owned by UA. Once at UA Nezu hacked into the New Orderian database. It wasn't easy but he did get in. He found schematics for the weapons and explosives being produced in the Havoc sites, how the Fractured Dawn companies were organized, and mention of BW-209. This was the most alarming thing he found, it listed side effects and mentioned how high command had approved it to be used as a last resort assuming the facility was about to fall and there was no friendly forces(with quirks) still in the area. Nezu did stumble upon Daybreak but it was only mentioned slightly in some documents and there was no official schematic considering it wasn't even fully designed yet, he speculated it was dangerous but with no information he couldn't jump to conclusions.

Concern over the implications of BW-209 being used and the fact it was number 209 was what was discussed at the next UA staff meeting. The side effects are most concerning, especially brain damage and organ failure. It was also alarming as to how the side effects were discovered and the fact the people who made this were in the building. What was reassuring was the fact it mentioned not using it on friendly forces with quirks so it was likely not going to be used on UA. A few more uncovered documents were looked through including mention on a raid on the Endeavor Hero Agency where the culprits mentioned a nearly 100% lethal virus before dying to said virus.

Tensions rose and but everything played out according to the show in the eyes of the public and for our purposes(IE I'm lazy as fuck and this is already 1310 words)

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