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Location: With the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd F-D companies, along with the 1st F-D armor, R-3

Lemore: We are all aware of what happened to the 2nd a few months ago and A site a few more months back, The villains have attacked us many times and we need revenge, we have been authorized to kill anything that moves in a target area. Civilian deaths are acceptable for this mission, in fact we have reason to believe all civilians are disguised combatants. We called in the 1st close air support squadron in full to aid us in this operation. Howitzers have been set up on a mountain nearby and we will shell that city until it is safe for you to enter, when the bombing stops charge in and kill the survivors. You are clear to begin.

The hundreds of soldiers got into their vehicles and waited as the shelling started. This entire city was held by something called the Meta Liberation Army and they had been linked to an attack on Site A early into Fractured Dawn. Even better was scouts determined the LOV would be in the area at the same time. Immediately after NO high command found out about this a strike was authorized(within 20 minutes after the first report came in combat forces were ordered to prepare).

The shells impacted and the explosions rocked the area. The shelling continued for a while and when it stopped the bombers flew over and took out anything that looked important, TV and radio stations, cell towers, power plants, literally everything short of a hospital was bombed. When that ended the convoys advanced.

The 2nd was hungry for blood and as they drove they shot anything that moved. Good men had died at the training camp and every casualty they took would be paid back with 50 dead villains. The turret gunners on the LAVs would just fire the 50 cal into stores and apartments as they drove past and because of this minimal damage to NO forces occurred. 

That was odd. NO forces realized that there were zero enemies fighting back and slowed down. The convoys slowed and they heard distant explosions. Officers radioed to dispatch and requested orders and dispatch looked at a UAV feed. 

Radio: All units, advance on the noise from all sides, UAV spots villains infighting. Wipe them out before they realized this attack wasn't caused by the other group.

The convoys spread out and it became 2 LAVs per road as opposed to 10. The vehicles approached and the soldiers got out while the driver and gunner slowly pushed up with the 50 cal trained on rooftops.

Officer: 2-9 to dispatch, requesting CAS on the smoke.

A soldier fired a smoke grenade from a roof and the villains looked for a source. Unfortunately they were looking at the smoke spreading around them and not for who fired it. They assumed it was to hide a movement instead of call in an airstrike(to be fair who calls in airstrikes when everyone has warrants?). They realized what was happening when they heard the whine of jet engines and saw to bombers flying in. They scattered as the 20mm guns opened up, when the jets passed over they dropped 2 mark 77 bombs each. The bombs detonated and the entire area went up in flames as napalm was dispersed.

The soldier then opened fire into the surviving villains who were panicking from the napalm burning around them. It took a few minutes for any villains to get close to NO forces, in fact it was by accident. A girl wearing what looked to be a school uniform was laying injured in the street and the soldiers walked over.

Soldier: Got a live one here.

Lieutenant: Kill it and keep moving.

Soldier: Appears to be a kid sir.

Lieutenant: Well fuck, let me see.

The lieutenant walked over and looked to see a girl he immediately recognized.

Lieutenant: That is Himiko Toga, a villain wanted for multiple murders and a few terror charges if I am correct. She also killed the most of us during that training camp attack. Zip tie her and put her in the LAV, make sure she doesn't die. Don't put in too much effort, odds are she is facing torture and a firing squad.

The soldiers tied her up and tossed her into the LAV before continuing down the burning street. Anyone that hadn't been killed by the bombing was shot. A few villains from the MLA walked out of the smoke and were clearly injured. They were surrendering so the soldiers didn't open fire on them. A few soldiers approached to secure them when one of the villains pulled a cord out of his jacket. He then charged at the soldiers who shot him immediately. His body dropped to the ground two feet away and a second went by a bomb went off. The soldiers nearby were blown apart and one was missing an arm and his legs. A medic tried to treat him only for the injured man to pull out his pistol, and kill himself. The dead bodies were everywhere and the two remaining MLA members were executed.

Conflict continued across the city as NO forces fought the MLA and the LOV at the same time, of course mostly the MLA but the LOV did kick the shit out of soldiers when they encountered one another. The policy became if you see LOV members either kill them with one shot or don't be spotted at all. Within minutes of this being the unofficial policy it turned into snipers or nothing against the League.

Of course there is an issue, a few hundred of the same one to be exact. Twice duplicated himself, now how is that a problem? How do you fight infinity? You can't just shoot Twice until he dies, there are infinite of him. So the policy changed again, hellfire crews were called up and they were ordered to burn anything that wasn't in an NO uniform. They had already been doing this to fortified positions that had been encircled but now they were being called to go ahead of the lead units.

Lines of burning napalm shot over streets as hellfire teams burned villains back. It was going well with artillery raining down from the sky on any enemy positions ahead of the troops. The Twice army had been kept back with the napalm so NO forces looked for any important targets. It only took a few minutes to find one.

A tower had just crumbled down and a CAS bomber had spotted an abomination fighting an LOV member. A UAV also spotted what can only be described as a giant approaching the city and ripping apart anything in its way.

Radio: All units, we are pulling out. Let Opfor decimate themselves, kill any witnesses.

Anyone who saw NO forces directly were shot, camera feeds were hacked and the footage was deleted, anywhere footage could be stored was hacked and RCM agents got to work making sure nothing could be recovered. Computers were hacked and forced to overheat, then they were pushed past what could reasonably be done because safety mechanisms were turned off remotely. Fires started as every PC that might have footage of the troops overheated and ignited. Fires raged across the city as NO forces pulled out.

The soldiers regrouped and their vehicles and equipment(uniforms, weapons, armor) were transported by a train owned by Havoc away. The soldiers were put onto a bus line while wearing clothes that made them look like tourists. The soldiers were discreetly transported in multiple convoys back to base where they could watch the fallout.

So apparently the LOV and MLA merged but nobody knows NO forces(or Havoc in the eyes of almost everyone in R-3) were even there. The ones that do and tried to tell anyone experienced freak accidents involving their computers overheating in the middle of the night and starting a really bad fire that killed them in their sleep.

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