Inter Dimensional Field Trip pt 1

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Location: Unused classroom, UA, R-3

A New Orderian official sat at a desk with one chair directly in front of him. He held a clipboard with a list of everyone in 1-A. NO high command requested Aizawa be sent to Briling to aid in damage control, his students would be going with him so they could gain "important knowledge on rescue work from emergency crews still in a pre quirk era." NO high command somehow talked Nezu into thinking that the idea was great, that or Nezu just liked it for his own reasons. NO high command also made sure anyone going to R-1 would not be a threat to national security so they sent this official to question all students and deny anyone who would be a danger. 

Official: State your name for the record.

Student: I am Tenya Ida from class 1-A here at UA.

Official: Have you ever been involved with any illegal activities?

Ida: No I have not, that is behavior not fit for being a hero. 

Official: Have you ever been punished for delinquent behavior here at UA or a previous school?

Ida: I have not been involved in any of that behavior.

The official went down a few questions and marked the student as safe to go through. The next student was a different story.

Official: State your name for the record.

Student: Do you not know me you fucking extra?

Official: Name for the record.

Student: Katsuki Bakugo, is that what you wanted shitty suit?

Official: Have you been involved with any illegal activities?

Bakugo: What are you a fucking narc?

The official kept going down the questions, it was an uphill battle but eventually all questions were answered. The official didn't even need a minute to make a decision and denied the student for "potential terroristic behavior." Other students were asked the same questions with only one more person being denied, that being a short child with purple orbs for hair. Finally the last student was being questioned.

Official: Name for the record.

Student: Izuku Midoriya. What exactly are we being questioned about? Is it some upcoming test? You look like a Havoc official but your suit has a pin I don't recognize.

Official: I am not at liberty to say much information about the purpose of this until you are deemed safe. I will say that I am working for the Havoc corporation at this time. Have you been involved in any illegal activities?

Izuku: Well... technically yes. But it was just using my quirk against a villain without a license!

The official wrote something on the clipboard before looking back up.

Official: Have you been punished for any delinquent behavior at UA or a previous school?

Izuku: Well... yes here, only once though. I got into a fight with Kacchan. My middle school also punished me for things I didn't do.

The official was writing things down on the clipboard before continuing with his questions. After all students were questioned the report was sent to Lemore. The following was the report for Izuku:

"Despite being involved in a fight at school, and involved in illegal activities I believe the student is safe and should be granted access. Upon inspection into local records the illegal activities display only a flaw with local laws and not the student's morals. Delinquent activities the student was involved in do not appear to be often and after meeting the other person involved I can say with near certainty it was not the student that instigated the fight. I would like to request this student be accepted despite failing the questions we set up, see files attached for more evidence."

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